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I heard I am your priority now..

From the person I heard ,I walked away silently,to my lonely cold rented room,then closed that brown door..
And sat on my white sheeted bed,that I had cleaned hoping your arrival,few days before..

And moments from past to present flashes by,I wondered,as I bled, continuously,

When was I ever in the list of your priority,who am I to you to be someone important to you?

Was I your priority when my words never mattered,or when you could not even hear me,or was I your priority when I was being stabbed,called cruel,called names..
Was I your priority when countless time I had stood before you,with nothing but my heart,laid it scattered,in pieces for you to step on and walk..
Or,was I your priority when each day I bleed,still I hold back,each day breaking apart,still trying to smile,waiting for you..
Tell me,love,who should I ask,for do you even love me,I wonder,all I ask is that,do I even matter to you??

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