The lotus and wildflower

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Once upon a time the lotus,the most beautiful flower met a wildflower...

Growing in a no man land,that wildflower just wonder who he was...

The beautiful hue of him,that made that piece of wasteland so beautiful,

Made the wildflower attracted towards him,just like moth towards flame..

But everytime that wildflower looked at him,so beautiful,so calm,so serene,

She would just hide behind the other green grasses,to hide her face,and look at him from afar...

Though the distance was not much,still he felt like sky to her,and she,a crystal of sand,flowing alongwith the river called life...

She watched the lotus smile,from far,sometimes she would extend her hands,

Sometimes she would try to peep through the grass,as the winter left,summer came..

And silently that wildflower became a memory of past...

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