college sweethearts ~ pt.2 | JJK

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this imagine was requested by NaticiaSoler 

After dating for three years Jungkook and I finally got married. It's been four years since our wedding and we've never been better.

However I've noticed my stomach has been getting bigger lately.

I told my mom about it and she said it's probably marriage weight but I should go to the doctor just to make sure.

So here I am, in the doctors office waiting for my results.

"Are you Mrs. Jeon?" the doctor asks walking into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Yes I am, is everything ok?"

"You both seem to be doing fine."


"Congratulations you're three weeks pregnant!"

I sit there for a bit, lost for words.


"Yes congratulations!"

It's been a few hours since I found out I'm pregnant.

I'm now at home waiting for Jungkook to get home. On my way back I got a pregnancy test along with a few snacks to surprise him with.

"Honey I'm home!"

"Jungkook!" I squeal while running towards him, my arms open wide.

He drops his bags and embraces me into a tight hug.

"I have a suprise for you." I say, pulling away.

I lead him to our shared bedroom and hand him the present that was laying on the nightstand.

"What's this?" he asks, opening the present.

"Look inside."

"OoOoOO some gummies..."

"Keep looking." I chuckle, playfully rolling my eyes.

"There's no way your being serious." he whispers, as he takes the test out.

"I am babe, I'm pregnant." I beam.

He picks me up and spinning me around a few times before putting me down.

"You've just mad me the happiest man alive." he chokes out, tears filling his eyes.

"I thought you already were the day you married me." I laugh, jokingly hitting his chest.

He doesn't say anything, he just passionately kisses me in response.


"I can't wait to get this baby out of me." I sigh, looking out the bedroom window.


Something dropped downstairs so I got up to see what is was.

"Jungkook was that you?" I belt, hoping he would hear me.

However as I get up, I realize my chair is wet and scream.

"Jungkook!" I shriek at the top of my lungs.

"BABE WHAT HAPPENED?!" he asks, literally sprinting up the stairs.

"Are you ok?" he questions, out of breath as he rushes towards me.

"I think it's time"

He immediately gets the hint, grabbing everything we need and soon where off to the emergency room.

Thankfully we prepared for this event in advance because I'm already eight and a half months pregnant. Well not for long.


"Push...PUSH!" the nurse exclaims motivationally.

"I can't" I reply, my body soaked with sweat.

I've been in labor for 27 hours now and my body can't take it anymore.

Jungkook is on the left squeezing my hand tightly and saying encouraging things to keep my going while there are a bunch of machines on my right.

"Yes you can baby, I believe in you." he whispers, smiling down at me.

"Just one more push." the nurse seems more stressed than I am at this point.

I push as hard as I can, giving it my all.

"...And it's a girl! Would you like to hold her mom?"

I'm too out of breath to respond so the nurse hands her to Jungkook. I can't stop smiling at how cute him and the baby look together.

"She's so beautiful, just like her momma." he smiles, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"What are you guys gonna name her?"

We exchange quick glances before I respond.

"Nabi, Jeon Nabi."
________________________________hello everyone! for those who don't know nabi in korean means butterfly!! thank you NaticiaSoler for this request and i hope you enjoyed your mini series! ❤️

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