older brother | MYG

935 12 8

this imagine was requested by Zexalgirl52
edited 8/21/22

"Bye Ye-ji!" you shout, waving to your
best friend for the last time while getting off the bus.

It was the last day of 7th grade and she was moving from Seoul to France.

You're really going to miss her since she has been your bestie since kindergarten, and you both knew each other like the back of your hands.

You open the front door and the smell of a familiar cologne immediately hits you in the face.

"YOONGI!" you squeal, running up to him.

"Y/N it's been so long!" he smiled, while ruffling your hair.

You give him and awkward smile back then run off to your room. Your parents were off on a business trip and you thought you were going to be home alone for the week. Obviously God had other plans.

Honestly Yoongi was the last person you expected to see when you turned the door knob.

Not that you aren't happy he's here. You're actually super excited after not seeing him in so long.

But your relationship wasn't exactly the same anymore. You guys used to be a lot closer, but after he moved in with the members you guys slowly got more and more distant.

The door bell rings and you peck out the window to see the members outside your front door.

why didn't he atleast tell me they were coming? you think to yourself, while trying to fix your hair a bit.

You then go downstairs and see them all chilling on the couch, talking about their upcoming tour. Jin's the first one to notice you standing their and he waves you over.

You greet the other members while sitting between Yoongi and Jin. He then sparks up some small talk and starts talking about what he's been up to lately.

Unlike your brother, you're really close to Jin and he treats you like his daughter. You can tell that Yoongi sometimes gets jealous but it's not like he try's to bond with you anyway.

"I'm gonna start making dinner now." he says, slowly getting up.

"Can I help?"

"Sure Y/N you can help cut the vegetables and set the table."

"Hyung do you need anymore help?" Yoongi asks, also getting up.

"No I don't, but thank you for asking." He sits back down in a huff as you and Jin head towards the kitchen and start making the food.


"Hyung this food is really good!" Jungkook beamed while devouring his plate.

"What can I say? I'm Gordon Ramsey number three!"

"Who's Gordon Ramsey number two?" Hoseok chimes in.

"Me of course." you say, playfully rolling your eyes.

Everyone laughs, (Jin being the loudest) then continues to eat. Suddenly the members all give each other glances then all look at you.

"What?" you laugh uncomfortably.

Jimin speaks up, "We all decided that you should.."

"GO ON YOUR WITH US!" they all shout in unison as you drop your fork.

Was this really happening?

You've been to a few concerts but you've never actually been ON TOUR with them.

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