period cramps | PJM

983 19 1

edited 1/3/23

Jimin walked into your shared bedroom to see you peacefully sleeping on the bed.

You had been texting him all day about how your period cramps were hurting really bad, so he brought you some of your favorite snacks on his way home from work.

He took off his winter coat, some snow falling on the carpet, and put the plastic bag on the dresser.

He then kissed your forehead, placing his hand beside you for leverage.

He slowly removed it upon feeling something wet.

He looked at his hand and slightly cringed. It was stained red and there was blood slowly dripping down his arm.

He lifted the comforter to see a pool of blood surrounding your lower body.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open at the sudden change of temperature, to see Jimin staring worryingly at you.

"Y/N, your period leaked all over the bed."

You slowly sat up still trying to process what was going on and then you saw the blood on Jimin's hand.

Your eyes widen in embarrassment and you hid you face in your hands.

"I'm so sorry, this has literally never happened to me before."

"Are you ok? Is it normal to bleed this much?" he asked, placing his clean hand on your warm thigh.

"I don't know." you whispered, your voice cracking as you try to hold back your tears.

"Babe don't cry, it's going to be fine." he assured you, his voice comforting and full of empathy.

"But I got it all over the bed." you sobbed.

"No sweetheart don't cry. I'm going to wash my hands, change the sheets, and give you something to change into ok? Why don't you take a bath in the meantime."

"My cramps hurt to much to walk." you whined, rubbing your lower stomach.

"Okay one second."

He walked to the bathroom, washed his hands, and walked back towards you. He gently lifted you off the bed bridal style and into the bath.

"Do you want a bath bomb?" he asked, while turning on the water.


"What color?"


He grabbed a pink bath bomb and placed it into the water. It immediately starts fizzing up and you could hear it crackling in the water.

Jimin left to get you some clothes to change into and came back with his oversized hoodie and some sweatpants.

"The bath bomb smells really good." he said, placing the clothes on the bathroom counter.

"I know, it smells like strawberry's." you smiled, inhaling the sweet aroma.

"I'm be waiting for you in the room baby." he said, closing the door behind him.

You took a nice warm bath, then put on the clothes that Jimin brought you. His hoodie was so big it was almost down to your knees. As for the sweatpants, they were yours so they fit fine.

You walked out the bathroom and jumped into bed. Jimin's arms snaked around your waist and onto your stomach. Slowly massaging it to help sooth your cramps.


"Yes babe?"

"I'm sorry for being a burden. I know you had a long day at work and you just wanted to sleep, but I ruined it." you quietly sobbed.

"Don't cry." he said, turning you around so you were facing him.

You snuggled into his chest, trying to stop your nose from running.

"Your not a burden to me, I love you so much Y/N. Please don't ever say that again." he cooed while playing with your hair.

"Do you still want some snacks?"

You shook your head, tears still draining his shirt.

"Ok then lets get some rest." he whispered, softly drawing random shapes on your back.

"I love you Jimin."

"I love you too."
i'm actually really proud of this imagine 😋 please vote and comment!! ❤️❤️

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