michaeng - taken over (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Have you ever...well, felt something more for me?" Mina questioned.

Chaeyoung froze and stopped chewing. How did Mina find out?

She swallowed the food and anxiety down.

"I uh...well, you could say, well I, maybe, no I mean....I don't know." Chaeyoung cut herself off multiple times, preventing her from saying the wrong thing.

How was she supposed to answer the question? What reply was Mina anticipating to hear?

Mina placed a hand on Chaeyoung's thigh. She lightly gave it a comforting squeeze before speaking.

"It's okay. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way." She gave the younger girl a suggestive hint by brushing her tongue over her pink lips.

Chaeyoung widened her eyes in surprise, the best surprise possible.

She rested a hand on Mina's, the one that was still placed on her thigh.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and managed to stutter out a response.

"M-me too."

"You too what? Hmm Chaeyoung?" Mina smirked.

Mina usually never entered a teasing sort of mood. She usually remained subdued and quiet, always showing affection in quieter ways.

This time though, Mina wanted it. She wanted Chaeyoung. For once she wanted her feelings and love to be displayed and expressed loudly and openly.

She wanted to be heard and taken seriously. Chaeyoung couldn't back down now.

In Chaeyoung's opinion this was happening way too fast. And way too early too. I mean she had only woken up a bit ago. Now they were confessing their love for each other.

It made Chaeyoung disoriented, it felt like a fever dream almost. She wasn't complaining though.

"I-I like you. M-mina. Mina I like you." Chaeyoung's voice surprisingly came out stable.

Mina smiled proudly. Proud of Chaeyoung for finally confessing it and proud of herself for finally making a move.

The two had been waiting for each other for long enough. Too long.

Mina reached up to Chaeyoung's face with her other hand and hooked her fingers under the younger girl's chin, lifting it up the slightest.

"Prove it." Mina whispered. There was a daring edge audible in her voice. Let's see what Chaeyoung would do.

The said girl's face softened a bit. Despite Mina's little show right now, Chaeyoung knew she really cared about her.

After a second of hesitation, Chaeyoung could not wait any longer. She swiftly moved closer to Mina's face, the older realizing what was happening and pulled Chaeyoung in closer by the hand on her face.

Finally, in one fluid motion, their lips pressed together. Instinctively both girls closed their eyes. No more waiting around.

Mina decided to continue and lead their ministrations, considering Chaeyoung had been so brave as to submit to Mina's hinting.

The older girl pressed more into Chaeyoung's mouth before passionately moving her lips to create a rhythm.

Chaeyoung followed suit and matched Mina's intentions.

Chaeyoung's hands grasped at Mina's nape, pulling her in closer. The two rearranged on the bed into a more comfortable position, Chaeyoung almost sitting on Mina's lap.

They delved deeper into each other as Mina's hands danced along Chaeyoung's sides, brushing all over her body and leaving goosebumps on the younger's skin.

It was only until she had made sure that Chaeyoung was relaxed that Mina slid her tongue into Chaeyoung's mouth.

Mina swirled her tongue around Chaeyoung's, not only going through the motions but infusing her love into her actions. Infusing it into the kiss.

This was Chaeyoung's first kiss after all. Mina was well aware of the fact.

That had meant that Mina needed to make it memorable, if it wasn't already memorable to Chaeyoung because of the person she was doing it with.

The two continued their sweet kiss, both never wanting to stop. Mina's lips just felt so good to Chaeyoung. They were so soft and sweet.

Mina tasted amazing too. Right then, Chaeyoung didn't think she could ever get over this special taste.

Unfortunately both girls started to run out of breath. Chaeyoung honestly couldn't care less though. She would fall into hypoxia if it meant she would get to kiss Mina for longer.

Mina knew this too, so she had to be the one to decline things. She needed to take care of Chaeyoung. She slowly led Chaeyoung down, slowing their pace carefully.

Mina leisured her movements before completely stopping, lips still against Chaeyoung's as she pulled away before releasing with a small smack.

Both girls were completely breathless.

The two sat in silence for a moment, sorting out what just happened in their minds while taking in gulps of air.

Mina licked her lips and thickly swallowed.

"That was better than last time." Mina looked down and spoke to herself, barely audible.


All of a sudden it clicked into place. It took Chaeyoung a moment to realize.

"That...that wasn't a dream was it? Last night?" Chaeyoung asked, piecing everything together.

Mina smiled downwards and vigorously shook her head no. No it was not a dream.

A blush crept up on Mina's cheeks as she was slightly embarrassed of her actions.

Chaeyoung smiled before lifting Mina's chin up with a finger.

"That's hot."

If Chaeyoung thought it was hot then maybe Mina should get taken over more often. 


1381 words

A/N: sorry this took longer than usual :( also did you guys watch twice on the tonight show?? they did so good im so proud of our girls!

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