Rescued By The Batch

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"We'll never make it in time, ours is closer." The man said.

"Oh no, no. I don't trust you at all." Aurora retorted back.

"We don't have time to argue." The girl stood in between both of them. Just then the guards caught up to them. "We have to go!" The man took the girl's hand, who in return took Aurora's hand and everyone started running. They made it to what must be the man and girls ship and the man pushed the girls on board.

"Tech, get us out of here!" The man yelled and another man started getting the ship into the air.

"Hey this is kidnapping!" Aurora yelled at the man.

"I'm saving your life." He argued back.

Aurora got right in his face. "That's not what happened back there! I was saving both your lives!"

"Well you didn't have to get involved!"

"Well that girl would've been on a different ship if I didn't!" She pointed to the child.

They stood inches from each other. Aurora, a couple inches shorter but she wasn't backing down. The man stood his ground too, both of them shooting daggers at one another. The girl pushed in between them. "Enough both of you!" She yelled at the two of them. "We saved each other's lives so can we all just calm down!"

"Whatever, just bring me back to Coruscant and I'll gladly get out of your hair." Aurora stomped off and sat in the back of the ship, she pulled out a data pad and began typing away.

The man knelt in front of the girl. "Omega are you okay?" She nodded and fell into his embrace.

"Who was that? Why is she after me?" She sobbed.

"I don't know but we'll find out." Omega nodded to the man and pulled away from him. He stood up and walked to the rest of his crew, to update them on their straggler he picked up. He eyeballed Aurora. The girl walked over to her.

"Hello. Are you okay?" The girl asked.

"Well considering I've been kidnapped and a couple parsecs away from my home-" she paused looking at the girl and sighed. "Yea I'm okay. Are you?"

"I've been better, my names Omega. That man is Hunter. The one with the goggles is Tech. Echo is the robotic looking one, and finally Wrecker is the big one. What's your name?"

Aurora smiled, "I'm Aurora. It's nice to officially meet you Omega."

Omega smiled. "So you're from Coruscant?" Aurora nodded. "Cool! I've never been there before. What's it like?"

"Well the top side is gorgeous, but the lower you go, the more dangerous it gets."

"What level do you live on?"

"Level 37."

"Is it dangerous?"

"It's very dangerous." At the same time she could hear the others talking about finding out who the bounty hunter is. Aurora got up, patted Omega on the shoulder and walked over to them. "Fennec Shand."

"What?" Hunter turned to her.

"Her name is Fennec Shand, we've done a few missions together in the past, but we have a mutual disagreement currently."

"You know her?" Hunter got defensive.

"Yes I know her," Aurora crossed her arms. She did not like this man. "I know a lot of bounty hunters. I am in fact a bounty hunter too, thought it was obvious."

"Oh." He placed his hands on his blaster and she took note of it.

"Hunter stop!" Omega got in between them again, "she saved my life! All she wants to do is go home."

Tracking The Bounty{HunterxOC}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin