Delilah's ginger hair has been straightened by Sarah, who curled the ends inward to accentuate the layers that Lila has. As well as that, she has also never been the one for wearing makeup, so Kiara helped curl her long eyelashes and is now applying mascara in order to make the girl's green eyes stand out. However, it's a struggle for Delilah to keep still because she wants to freely move around.

"Do you think this will be fun?" Sarah asks.

"Being in the publics main focus? No way." Delilah replies.

"We've been their main focus for ages. We helped John B escape the police and also came back 'from the dead' after living on an island for a month." Kie reminds, still holding the mascara wand.

"True." Delilah agrees with a sigh. "But at least we didn't have to sit there in front of a crowd of people."

"Lila, stop moving or I'll accidentally poke your eye out." Kie warns.

"At least I would have an excuse to miss this stupid thing." Delilah comments.

The curly haired girl stops what she's doing, pulling away slightly to stare at Delilah with an unimpressed look. Delilah just flashes an innocent smile to Kiara, but Kie just ignores this and leans forward again to continue applying the mascara. This causes Sarah to laugh at both of the girls as she finishes curling the last few strands of hair.

"It's okay, it'll be over quickly." Sarah assures. "We don't have to make any speeches so we just have to listen, spend some time there, then leave."

"You done this a lot?" Cleo asks the blonde.

Sarah nods. "Yeah, I've had my fair share of going to stuff like this, being a Cameron and all."

"Glad I've never had to." Cleo says.

"Okay, done." Kie informs.

Delilah stands out from the bed, smoothing her skirt out before then walking over to the desk that Sarah's sitting at. She looks into the clean mirror from over Sarah's shoulder, who has finished spraying her hair with hairspray and has now turned to look at Delilah with a smile. As the girl takes in her appearance, she can't help but feel beautiful, causing a smile to tug at the corners of her lips.

"You look so good!" Sarah exclaims as she leans her head against the girl's arm. "You made a great choice with the green skirt too."

"Yeah, you did." Kie agrees with a nod. "It brings out the green in your eyes more and compliments your hair perfectly."

"Looking good, Delilah." Cleo adds.

"Thank you." Delilah replies with a warm smile, appreciating their compliments. "I love you, guys."

"Don't go getting sappy on us, firecracker." Cleo jokingly comments.

Delilah grins. "I would never."

"I hope none of us fall walking onto the stage. That would be embarrassing." Sarah suddenly says.

"Don't jinx it!" Kie exclaims.

"Why would you say that?" Delilah whines. "If I fall, I'm putting all the blame on you, Barbie."

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now