"Good job with the diricawl's. You didn't get bit this time I here." 

"You're boyfriend is a brave soul. What can I say, I'm invincible." He raised both his arms up and flexed them while smiling down at me."

"Alright, then go walk into the hippogriff pen with the ferrets." He dropped his arms and then looked to the hippogriffs who were running around and biting at each other.

"Oh, I wouldn't take that from you, that's your favorite job."


"Pfft, I'm not scared of some silly hippogriffs." He grabbed the ferrets and tried to confidently walk over to the pen. The three hippogriffs ran over to him as he was just entering through the gate. "Ah, you mangy rats. I know. Give me a minute!" He quickly threw the ferrets into the pen and the three hippogriffs scattered. He walked back over to me and gave me a look. He held up his thumb and I could see a small bead of blood pooling at his cut. "One of them bit me."

"Well it seems like you conquered one beast today, now you have another one to conquer."

"How do you do all this and not get injured."

"I do, I just don't complain about it." I wrapped my arms around his waist while keeping his eye contact. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"Delivery! Brood and Peck!"

"Thank you Marcus! Will you go get the payment Sebastian while I sign and start unloading?" I released his waist from my arms and he went into my house. I signed the form and he took the parchment and put it under his seat.

"I was supposed to ask if you had Olivanders order?" 

"Yes I do." Sebastian walked up to us and handed the payment to Marcus. 

"Is this the Olivander order?"

"Yes, thank you Sebastian. You can give that to Marcus as well." Marcus looked inside the box and then closed it.

"I will make sure that the unicorn hair get's to him. And here is his payment for that." I took the small bag from Marcus and placed it in my pocket. We unloaded the cart and then waved goodbye to him as his thestral left.

"So what else is there to do?"

"Well, the unicorn has decided it wants grass more than feed, same with the thestrals, so they are good. The graphorn and kneazles both prefer eating in the evening, so we don't need to worry about them until after we eat dinner."

"So, we have the morning and afternoon off?"

"I guess you could-" An owl swooped over our heads and a letter floated down in my hands.

"Who's that from?"

"It's from Professor Howin?" I opened it and read it out loud for Sebastian to hear.

'Dear (Y/n), 

I hope you are doing well for your first month as a fully fledged Wizard. I unfortunately need to call upon you and Sebastian's help as I cannot currently leave the grounds of Hogwarts and am not skilled enough with poachers to even complete the task ahead.

A black unicorn has been spotted in the Forbidden Forest. It is being tracked. Please arrive there  as soon as you possibly can.

Your friend, 

Professor Howin.

"A black unicorn? I've never even heard about one before."

"They happen about once every one hundred years, they are extremely rare. Unicorns are pure in nature, and that's no different for a black unicorn. They blend in with the night and can only be seen during the day."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now