Stu and Billy had smth going on...

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The two had finally settled on something to watch, thank god. Firey had suggested watching Nightmare on Elm Street, but Coiny had said he'd seen that already and wanted to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, leading to a lighthearted (and probably 30 minute long) argument between the two. Firey knew Coiny didn't really care what they watched, and he didn't either. They ended up compromising, instead challenging themselves to see if they could binge all of the Scream movies in one sitting.

Firey hadn't seen all the Scream movies, neither had Leafy. She did admire the formulas that the movies had, but the predictably got a little tiring, even for her. Firey doesn't catch on to foreshadowing as well as Leafy, though, so maybe he won't have the same problem.

Firey settled on the couch with a knitted blanket, while Coiny sat criss-cross on the floor to be eye level with the laptop. He'd stolen a pillow off the couch, which he held in his lap. Firey was glad he hadn't chosen to sit on the couch as well, it was small enough as is, but he was struggling to see the screen at the angle it was at.

"Y'know, I don't think I've seen the first Scream. I've only really watched them when they've come out." the light from the screen reflects in Coiny's eyes, showing Casey Becker idly chatting with who Firey knows is her murderer. Coiny doesn't know that, but he's able to guess based off the guys spooky voice and what he already knows about the Scream movies.

Firey hummed in response to Coiny's remark, trying to figure out a way to hunch to better see the screen without hurting his back. Being his height, he already struggled with his posture, he's not looking to make it worse.

He relents and lays on his side, supporting his head on his arm. He can see better now that Casey is crouched behind one of those old TVs, crying as the man on the other end describes his sick game to her. Coiny looks interested, not taking his eyes off the screen. Firey's definitely going to poke his sides or something at every jumpscare.


Coiny blinked, his eyes somewhat strained by the brightness of the computer screen in contrast to the nearly pitch black living room. Candlelight could only go so far, he supposed.

"How is she still holding the phone? She's literally being dragged." Coiny quietly laughed at the scene, leaning back onto the couch behind him.

"I dunno man, this films effects are-"

Coiny slaps a hand over his mouth as the mother cries out, stifling more laughter. "I'm- I'm sorry old people screaming is just-" He's all but giggling into his hand. If he were watching this alone he'd probably take it more seriously, but Firey is here and there's still something looming over them, so the old woman screaming is funny.

"That's how you scream." Firey snorts.

Coiny whips his head around to look at him, putting on a front of genuine offense. "Me? Have you heard yourself scream ever?" He snarks, "You sound like a busted fire alarm!"

Firey gasps dramatically, putting a hand over his heart. "Take that back!"

Coiny blows a raspberry at him, and then turns back to the screen before Firey can retort. Only to then shriek as Firey pokes at his side, false annoyance on his face. "You!" Is all Coiny can think to say, also putting on a peeved expression.

"Shut up and watch the movie." Coiny swiftly turns back to the screen to allow himself to break out into a grin that almost hurts his cheeks. In the corner of his eye he can see that Firey is smiling too, his face a ghostly blue from the computer screen's light. He tucks his legs up to his chest, and somehow that reminds him once more.

Maybe it's the weight in his gut, or the fact that he's been anxiously chewing his lip all day, or the butterflies in his stomach. Maybe it's the tension still hanging in the air. Does Firey feel it too? Is it just him? ...There's only one way to find out.

"...Hey, Firey?"

"Hm?" Out of his peripheral, Coiny sees Firey not taking his eyes off the screen. The air around them shifts, Firey isn't looking at him, Coiny isn't going to risk looking at Firey either.

Everything stays still and quiet for a minute, save for the laptop whirring and the sounds of highschool kids discussing a murder or something. That and the pelting rain outside.

Thunder cracks overhead, Coiny takes a breath before speaking, "I'm sorry."

"...For what?" This smug bastard.

Coiny knows he's playing dumb- or thinks? Maybe he's being genuine, or he wants to make sure Coiny's talking about what he thinks he is. ...Coiny should really elaborate.

So, Coiny sighs and repeats, "I'm sorry for... the fight. I-I didn't- You didn't deserve that, I shouldn't have,, freaked out on you like that." He turns to look at Firey, and finds him already looking back.

"Coiny it's... It's okay." Firey blinks, "I mean- I totally invaded your privacy because of- well, bad reasons. I kinda deserved to get my shit rocked."

"But we... We've never fought like that. And now things feel different and- It's not all bad different, but I just- I wish I hadn't hit you. We could've talked it out, I'm sure." Coiny put his arms on the couch cushion, leaning his head onto them. "It might sound weird but... you're one of my closest-" friends... why is that such a sad thought? "-We're close, and... I don't know. I don't want to fight like that again."

"Me neither." Firey pauses, letting Coiny's words sink in. "Y'know, I like our little 'enemies' shtick, but how do you think everyone would react if we showed up to school next week like- attached at the hip?"

Coiny snorted, "We should set up a schedule. On Wednesdays we're best friends, and then Friday we're back at each other's throats. Rest of the week is improv."

"Pff, they'd see the pattern! Every week is improv. However we wake up feeling."

Coiny didn't realize how close he'd gotten to Firey, leaning on the couch. And if he turns back to the movie, head still in his arms, well, only he knows that it's so his hand stays only centimeters away from Firey's.


After 35 chapters I present to you- Coiny wants to hold his hand!!!!!

This chapter Kicked My Ass godddd i had to rewatch Scream and then i forgot all of it bc my memory is ass and RAHHHHH but it's cute yk


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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