I could stare at your back all day

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Firey hadn't been able to focus all day. That morning he'd looked back at his dream journal before promptly throwing it across the room and shouting something unintelligible, wondering why, just why.

It was now break, and Firey was leaving his fourth period, having had to try to act normal around Coiny. It wasn't too difficult, but at one point Coiny got in his face to say something snarky, Firey couldn't hear him.

He was too busy seeing the image of Coiny from his dream, not smirking, not making fun. Calm.

By the time Firey could hear again, Leafy had been waving her hand back and forth in front of his face and he'd just silently gone back to the paper he was working on.

She asked if he wanted to go get lunch with her and Pin again, for him to reject her invitation, having had other plans.

So here he is now, doing what you may ask? Heading to the schools library. He didn't go to the library often, but today he had the intention of finding something.

that something being the book shelf that hid Coiny's hideout.

Firey didn't know why the knowledge that his rival had a dorky hideout intrigued him so much. He wouldn't blackmail him or anything with it, so why does he keep coming back?

Curiosity? For what? Does he maybe want to know if there's more to Coiny beyond their rivalry? Of course there is, he has a girlfriend and is, y'know, a person.

Firey found though, it was the opposite for him. He had a life outside of their rivalry sure, but recently he'd noticed it was something he thought about a lot. He couldn't remember when he'd noticed, but since then he had been much more aware of the other.

More so, his actions and image around the other.

He'd become more conscious of how Coiny could see him, and found his insults, while obviously not genuine, had started to hurt more.

Firey didn't think hurt was the right word, but a more suitable one couldn't be found, so he went with it.

Did he want their rivalry to end? After so many years of this constant back and forth, he'd finally gotten tired of it? That couldn't be it, but he didn't have time to think about that now.

Firey scanned the library, finding the far back wall and slowly approaching, as to not make too much noise.

He reached the far wall and starting walking while running his hand along the books, looking behind them for those dim yellow lights, or the dark wood of the dresser he remembered being against the wall.

He felt odd just walking along the wall, "why am I doing this?? this is stupid I should jus—"

his thoughts were cut short as his hand got caught on a book after a gap, a gap in which he could see light from a door quickly disappear to be replaced, not by the faint yellow light he expected, but by a neon blue light.

Upon closer inspection, Firey saw Coiny had brought in a lamp, one that could change color probably via the remote Coiny had dropped beside it.

The brunette took the chair from his desk and pulled it out, falling into it at an angle where Firey could see the side of his face.


He felt himself thinking back to his dream once more, in a daze looking at the tired rise and fall of the others chest. One arm draped over the side of the chair, the other messing with the hair on his head.

"his hair looks soft"

Firey felt his face heat up, he felt weird, standing here a basically watching someone he so despised, admiring someone he so despised.

"stupid dream making me think stupid thoughts..."Firey mumbled, and upon realizing he said that out loud he found himself hoping books could be sound insulating.

But they weren't.

Coiny looked up, and Firey swiftly moved to the side where he'd be out of the others line of sight. He felt his heart beating faster as he heard Coiny stand up and step up to the wall.

Firey put his hand over his mouth to quiet his breathing, "Stupid stupid stupid, why did I say that out loud??" he felt his heart beating out of his chest, pounding in his ears.

All for nothing, as he heard his rival step back, and what sounded like something being dropped into a beanbag. He felt relief wash over him, and he lowered his hand to his side.

Firey risked another glance, to find Coiny sprawled out upon one of the beanbags, seemingly oblivious to the other watching.

Firey decided he'd rather not get caught after that and turned to leave, taking his phone from his pocket and checking to see how much time was left of break, and if he could make it to the cafeteria by sprinting.

Which he could.


boom character redesigns because pointy ears are cool and the old designs weren't as fun to draw

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boom character redesigns because pointy ears are cool and the old designs weren't as fun to draw

i also added a drawing to the last chapter so go look at that if you want

edit: I changed this chapters title to a Mitski song lyric

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