Beware - Deftones

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Coiny stood outside the vacant school building, empty parking spots and dimmed lights taunted him in his surroundings. Why on a fucking weekend??? what if I have shit to do. He didn't have shit to do, but he would honestly do anything to get out of being in a room with the guy who gave him a fear boner just yesterday.

He still had to process that, because you don't just go around thinking your mortal enemy is hot on a whim. Maybe it's the dynamic?? What fucking dynamic?????? God these next few hours were going to be hell. Detention. On a fucking weekend what the fuck.

Coiny outwardly groaned. What would happen? Would they just pretend everything was fine again, or would they talk about it? What was there to talk about?? Firey doesn't know what Coiny's thinking, this could've just been another fight. Except it wasn't. Because Firey had invaded Coiny's space and said he was 'confused' and Coiny doesn't know what the fuck that means. And he's still refusing to acknowledge what Firey had whispered before he was on the ground with a bloody nose.

He still had yet to enter the building, and he still had yet to see Firey once more. He tapped his umbrella against the concrete, gray clouds looming overhead. He would survive. Just get in, sit there for a bit, maybe take a nap, don't even look in Firey's general direction. It'll be okay. Yeah. Like, who's Firey??

"Dude, are you going in or what?"

"JESUS FUCK-" Oh, right. That's Firey, "Buenos dias to you too, mother fucker. Warn a guy next time."

Wordlessly, Firey brushed passed Coiny and scanned his ID, granting them entry into the empty building. We're pretending everything is fine?? Is he just being civil but he hates me now??? christ. Coiny stared for a second, trying to find any ounce of emotion on Firey's face as he held the door open for the brunette. And there it was, anxiety, anticipation.

All but forgetting the development that was yesterday, as Coiny passed Firey, he roughly shoved his shoulder. An answer, and a test to see if they were just going to... go back to normal? No, not that. To see if this, whatever it is, is truly over. To see if Coiny had truly and royally fucked up.

A sigh, along with grumbling. A response that would look annoyed to anyone else, but Coiny could see everything underneath. Relief. Exactly what he was feeling. All isn't over, they'll go back to their petty rivalry and toss names and-

"I've never felt something like this before."

...Of course, there's still that.

So what's solved, really? Firey had apologized for invading Coiny's space, opened up about his... feelings, and Coiny had attacked him. Shit, he should probably apologize. When did this all get so complicated?

Coiny chewed his lip as he walked, a nervous habit he thought he'd dropped awhile ago. Firey had managed to get ahead of him, fucking long legs ass,, speaking of- He immediately shut down that train of thought, preferring to practice his apology and think of everything that could go wrong instead.

They walked the lifeless halls (weekend. Nobody is ffucking there) Coiny stared at the back of Firey's head, remembering what he looked like with his hair down. He never willingly wore it down, Coiny wondered what it'd be like to run his fingers through it.

He sighed aloud as they stood before the doors of the detention room. Muffled voices came from inside, letting them know the school wasn't completely vacant. The two gave one last tired glance to each other before Firey pushed open the door.

Inside sat the regular "delinquents," Blocky, Flower, Gelatin, Stapy, and Marker for some reason. There were also a few others Coiny didn't recognize, so they're none of his concern. He checks in with the two professors at the front, and then begrudgingly takes his seat and grabs the first book he sees on the table beside him.

He doesn't focus on reading of course, instead feeling much more captivated by the sound of a chair scraping against the floor right next to him. He turns, and lo and behold, Firey has taken the seat to his right, opting to lay his head down instead of attempting the futile task of reading.

Coiny turns back to his book, but remains watching Firey from the corner of his eye. He'll apologize, soon. Maybe today even. He finally looks back at the book in his hands and begins reading to pass the time.

Rain patters against the window, and his eyes are scanning the pages, but he's not reading. He's thinking about if maybe, just maybe, things won't be shit after this.


Sorry if this chapter is sucky im busy all week bc of after school shit n only really have time to work on this in between classes and on weekends so </3 but it's about to get good!!!! i'd say abt 17 more chapters until they kiss /j

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