Stoner hideout(?)

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Firey didn't realize he'd been staring until two dark eyes met his own. He allowed surprise to show on his expression for a moment before glaring at the shorter, as the other had done to him many times before.

"Firey, Firey!" the boy was snapped out of his thoughts by Leafy, and he shifted his attention away from his rival. "You wanna come with me and Pin to the bakery across the street?"

"Oh, uhh..." Firey glanced back over to where Coiny had been standing moments before, only to find he was now gone. "...I think I'll just take something from the cafeteria. You two have fun."

He glanced behind him to see Coiny turning the corner leading into another hall. where is he going?

"Alright, don't run into a wall." Pin spoke coolly, turning around and throwing a peace sign over her shoulder, Leafy in tow simply waving.

Firey turned and began going the way he'd seen the shorter had gone, rushing to try to catch up. Coiny walked strangely fast for someone with seemingly nowhere to be.

After four turns he caught him at the end of a hallway, just as he was going through an exit to the outside. Now just where are you...

Firey waited for the door to close before speed walking and also exiting the building. He looked around, seeing the boy about to round another corner some yards away. Slow down!

He once again sped up after the boy, turning the corner to see him going behind.. a shed? He slowed to a quiet walk, pressing his hand to the wall.

He hesitantly looked around the corner, seeing a door just as it closed. Is this a hideout? Am I about to catch him smoking or something??

Firey stepped forward and slowly turned the knob, hoping the hinges wouldn't creak. To his luck, they didn't.

Behind the door he saw a small but hallway esc room, it could probably only fit three or four twin sized beds, and in the room was two beanbags, a tall set of drawers, and something to his left out of his line of sight

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Behind the door he saw a small but hallway esc room, it could probably only fit three or four twin sized beds, and in the room was two beanbags, a tall set of drawers, and something to his left out of his line of sight. The room was dimly lit by fairy lights strung across the corners of the ceiling.

The far wall was a book case, is this a hidden room in the library? how has nobody noticed the lights before? Coiny was sat on a beanbag, his head fallen back as if he were sleeping. That doesn't look comfortable.

The chains on his neck glowed as if they were neon under black light. and he wants to question my hair?

In a sudden flash, which resulted in Firey slightly backing up and considering just slamming the door and running, Coiny stood and pulled open one of the drawers, reaching in and taking out an assortment of salty snacks. He threw them on the ground next to the beanbag he'd been sitting on, before trust-falling back into it.

He took a laptop from behind the other beanbag and upon opening it quickly typed before taking a second to open a box of cheese crackers and then going back to dragging his finger across the touchpad and typing again. Prompting Firey to then hear..

Is that an anime opening?

There's no way. his big bad rival has a secret hideout in a library, and watches anime.

Does he come here during break every day? Firey wondered, his hand over his mouth, in an attempt to quiet his breathing. That's cute, he's a nerd!

Firey didn't want to risk getting caught, so he, quietly as he could, closed the door. He decided to go through with what he told Leafy and Pin he was going to do and started his trek across the courtyard to the school cafeteria.

For such a low budget school, they had surprisingly good lunches. As Firey moved through the halls, he couldn't help but think back to Coiny and his hideout.

I wonder what he watches.. I got into some anime back when I was in middle school, I didn't recognize the opening though. I bet his favorite genre is thriller, he seems like the type to hate outright fa-


Firey's thoughts were interrupted and he yelled out in pain, as he ran into a wall. Pin so jinxed me.


Edit: changed chapter title

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