Your music taste is trash (oneshot)

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Heyyyy,,,,,,,,, sorry for the lack of updates
I got covid and couldn't write anything and then Security Breach came out and I just went on a nostalgia spiral and got obsessed with FNaF again so uhhhhhhh
here's a one shot to mmaybe make up for that
This doesn't take place anywhere in the current story, just somethn fluffy I wanted to write
The original story will be ok track by next weekend I hope!!! now to this


Firey usually didn't take public transport anywhere, but he had a doctors appointment the next town over and definitely couldn't walk, so the bus it was. He was feeling groggy, but hoped it would go away by the time he made it there. That's what I get for staying up until 12, I suppose.

He dreaded boarding public transport, at 5 in the morning no less. He had taken the bus to school all throughout elementary, and it was not the best experience. It's probably why he started walking when he heard his middle school, and now high school, would be less than a mile away from his home.

Firey stood at the bus stop tiredly reminiscing, an occasional shiver going through his body at the cold. 5am, what a lovely time to wake up for a doctors appointment. Love that for me.

He heard a louder-than-normal car engine and looked down the road to see the bus finally arriving. Oh thank god, he thought as he reached into his pocket to have his pass ready.

The bus screeched to a halt and the doors opened allowing Firey to step in. He gave his pass to the driver and scanned the inside. Seats, old people, Coiny, some woman and her ki- wait Coiny?!

Firey blinked as they made eye contact. Coiny put on a scowl, and Firey did the same. The driver was waiting for Firey to sit down before they would start back on their route, so he decided on a window seat a couple of rows in front of the brunette he'd been scowling at.

He contentedly stared out the window, somewhat nodding off before hearing shuffling and then feeling someone take the spot next to him. Please don't be-

"The fuck are you doing on a public transport at the ass crack of dawn?" Coiny whispered, poking the boys cheek.

"hmnn.." Firey grunted, peeved at being disturbed from his half slumber. "..ffuck off, Coiny I'm sleeping."

Coiny felt something stir at the sound of Firey's raspy voice and the sight of his hair down and somewhat messy. Must not be a morning person, he thought before smirking. That'll make it all the more fun to mess with him.

Coiny leaned on Firey teasingly, "aww, did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Want me to sing you a lullaby?"

Firey tensed up, before relaxing at the fact that he was cold as fuck and Coiny was working as a sort of weighed blanket. "ughh.. Why're you here?" he groaned, subconsciously leaning back into the brunette.

"Well, if you're so inclined to know, I'm going to the mall." Coiny definitely noticed the taller lean back into him, and would be lying if he said he didn't redden for a moment. He kept his cool though.

Firey snorted, "at 5 in the morning?"

"You know it, baby." Fuck. Why did I just call him baby??? Coiny quickly tried to move away, slightly embarrassed at his words, only to feel two arms drape over his shoulders, keeping him in place.

His face grew hot and he glanced over at Firey, seeing the tallers eyes hardly open. Coiny remained staring as put his hands over Firey's linked ones, intending to move them, but he found he didn't want to. The taller looked content and was practically already asleep, so Coiny sighed and leaned back into him, snaking his arms around his waist.

There wasn't an armrest dividing them, and the  seats were pretty wide, so the two ended up with Firey sat against the bus wall leaning into Coiny, and Coiny leaning into his shoulder with his knees curled up on the seat and his arms around the tallers waist.

Coiny felt tiredness creeping up on him as well, listening to the quiet engine of the car and Firey's rhythmic breathing, so he closed his eyes and succumbed to a semi comfortable slumber.
for about ten minutes until the bus jolted along a random crack in the road or something. Firey's head hit the wall, not hard enough to really hurt but enough to wake him up.

He was going to stretch his arms before he looked down to see none other than Coiny, cuddled up to him and leaning on his shoulder. They made eye contact and both swiftly pushed off of each other, Coiny nearly falling into the aisle.

Firey had backed into the corner of his seat. Knowing he was blushing wildly, he quickly turned away and looked back out the window.

He heard shuffling from beside him and assumed it was Coiny sitting back down on not the edge of the seat. There was a pause before more shuffling came.

Firey figured he'd calmed down enough and looked back over to Coiny to see him going through a backpack Firey hadn't been aware of until now.

The brunette didn't look back at Firey, but was probably aware of his staring. He finally found what he was looking for in his bag, earbuds.

Coiny plugged them into his phone before zipping his bag back up and attempting to set it beside him. He had to scoot closer to Firey to make sure it wouldn't fall off the seat, and so he did.

He went to spotify and picked a playlist he'd made specifically for bus rides. Upon hitting play he spared a glance in Firey's direction, and smirked as he turned away. Very discreet, Firey.

He stared at Firey, as the taller had been doing to him before. Firey finally relented and looked back at Coiny, not expecting him to be holding out an earbud towards him, inviting him to listen to music with him.

Wordlessly, he took the earbud and put it in, attempting to figure out the song that he was now hearing.

"—ooh, I'm falling now but it's so wrong.
You talk like a man and taste like the sun."

The song wasn't familiar to him, he'd heard of the artist before, though. Glass Animals, was it?

"ooh you lift your eyes up from the dust.
I knew just then I knew it was done."

Coiny wasn't tired anymore, but he still leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes. Firey couldn't help but stare. He doesn't know what it is about his rival. He likes what they have, but he's definitely thought about having more plenty of times.

"I guess I want you more than I thought I did."

Coiny peaked at Firey through one eye, only to catch him staring again. "Like what you see?" he chuckled, prompting Firey to immediately look away and grumble.

"shut uppp you're stupid." he mumbled, feeling the heat rise to his face again.

"oww, how hurtful." Coiny laughed, scooting in Firey's direction once more.

They definitely weren't going to cuddle again, but the rest of the ride was spent teasing, laughing, sometimes genuinely conversing, and with a sense of closeness between the two.

Firey found he was somewhat sad when he was set to get off. He stood, but before stepping into the aisle turned to Coiny once more.

"Could you send me a link to the playlist we've been listening to? Your music taste is trash and I need the names of the bands so I can make fun of you for listening to them." Firey joked, leaning his arm on the seat in front of them as he stood.

"Of course, I'm sure you'll love listening to 'Zack Jauber' again." Coiny smirked.

Firey began walking towards the exit of the bus, "I'm allowed to get singer names wrong, I'm not a nerd like you!" he said before finally getting off the bus. The driver was probably tired of their antics by now.

Coiny exhaled before turning to where Firey once sat...

Oh my fucking god he left his wallet.


ok it's 2am I'm going to sleep now </3

actually wait uhhhh the name of the song they were listening to is Helium by Glass Animals def recommend it it's very good

ok gn

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