Who put these four in one room together

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Firey shuffled through the sea of people surrounding him, his brain still trying to process the previous class he'd been zoned out for.

He'd got into thinking too deeply about possible arguments between him and Leafy in 3rd period, and to make matters worse he knew Coiny and Pin were in that class as well.

He and Coiny already had a track record of not being able to go a class without one flipping the other off, so he wondered what would happen now that he knew Pin and Coiny were dating.

Why was he thinking about them dating so much? he didn't care, and he should've known. They're joined at the hip, he could've sworn Pin didn't swing that way though.

His thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder, Leafy's hand.

"..heyy... why are you here?" Firey said, still somewhat reeling from the endless stream of incoherent thoughts and possible situations in his mind.

"We have this next class together moron, and you were about to trample the people in front of you. I can tell when your heads in the clouds, it's obvious." she deadpanned, angling her head forward.

Leafy hadn't seem to notice, but he had. The people in front of him were none other than Pin and Coiny, holding hands.

Why does that hurt?

The thought was fleeting as Leafy, with her weird and unpredictable strength, dragged Firey into the classroom with her, picking their seats near the window.


"Why'd you just grab my hand??" Pin questioned, lifting both their hands to emphasize.

"Firey was behind us, Leafy too." Coiny said, being led into the classroom by the taller. He'd made sure to include her crush, just to make sure she was still up for the fake couple thing.

And she was, as she sat down behind the boy a few desks to the left of Leafy and Firey, and proceeded to write and pass a note to the shorter.

Coiny had to resist the urge to simply turn around and glare because of the height insult

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Coiny had to resist the urge to simply turn around and glare because of the height insult. He instead decided to pretend to be shocked at the note, before turning around in his chair to put the note in his bag, and sending a wink to Pin.

All the while holding in laughter.

He risked a glance in the direction of the very reason the two were "dating" to see, Firey saw the whole thing.

It appeared Leafy was giving him a mean talking to, hell if he knew what for, and it didn't seem like Firey was paying attention either.

He wouldn't have to put up with that from me, I'd just- what. the boy paused, What am I even saying? Thoughts stop being stupid. Focus on school.

He felt a buzz in his pants pocket, he took out his phone to see a message from Pin. He sent a glance behind him, you're right behind me?? whatever

"Firey saw it, don't think Leafy did
what do you think she's going off on him about? lol
you think they're breaking up?"

Coiny chuckled, oh Pin.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up
Maybe she's just telling him how much cooler you are
but being serious maybe it's abt the party? she did tell us to stop fighting, and I said he looked dumb or something I can't remember"


That was the last message she could send before the teacher walked in and class finally started.


"Holy shit I'm going to fail my SATs" Coiny said as soon as he and Pin exited the class, his hand on his head and a drained expression.

"Then study, dumbass. I can't ace every test for you." Pin replied, trying to put a piercing she'd taken out during class back into her ear, and failing.

"Why'd you take that out?"

"I got bored ok, and that teacher assigned us everything but work to do in class expecting us to sit still the entire time? Bullshit." she leaned on the wall next to the two, still not able to find where to put her earring in.

"Let m-" Coiny started, only to be quickly shut down.

"No way, I do your earrings every morning and you expect me to trust you with mine?"

"It's easier when I can see the ear! suit yourself guess you're just gonna have one earring all day."

"Fuck that," Pin stood up straight, quickly scanning the crowd before her eyes widened. Coiny could then see her briefly plotting before she spoke again.

"Yo, Leafy! C'mere for a second."

Way to be brave, go Pin. Coiny crossed his arms and leaned on the wall beside where Pin had been leaning seconds before.

Leafy glanced behind herself, before shuffling through the mostly dispersing crowd, someone in tow.

"What's up?" the noirette asked, now standing before Pin.

"Could you put in my earring for me? Coiny's incapable and I'm not gonna trust some rando to not run off with it." she said, holding out her hand with the piercing in it.

"Of course! What're friends for?" Leafy took the earring from her hand and Coiny could see Pin briefly tense at the contact.

Pin held her hair behind her ear and leaned down to Leafy's level, somewhat off balance due to the platform shoes she wore.

The noirette leaned forward and reached up to Pin's ear, finding where the piercing went in and then reattaching the clasp to the back. She leant back with a cheery smile, while the taller briefly stalled before mirroring her actions and letting her hair fall back into place.

Coiny looked down and chuckled, and she wants to call me a gaylord. I don't even-

upon looking up again, his thoughts were cut short. Firey.


author stop doing the "dramatic reveal" Firey thing challenge, hard mode

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