Passive Aggressive

510 18 19

Coiny had ignored Firey the rest of the day after seeing the writing on his arm. Firey figured he'd do the same today, and he was miserable.

And anxious, and confused, on edge, scared. Coiny knew. Coiny knew someone had invaded his space and there was no way he hadn't found the note in his drawer and the marks on his textbooks by now. There was no way he wouldn't know it was Firey.

So what was Firey to do now?

Wait? Apologize? Pretend it wasn't him? He felt bad. He'd let this stupid infatuation with Coiny ruin whatever relationship they'd had and now they could never interact the same way. And he felt like a creep for ever going back after the first time.

Firey hadn't wanted to talk to Leafy about anything regarding Coiny after yesterday, and he woke up to a string of messages from her asking if he was alright.

Of course he wasn't alright, but he didn't need to burden her with that. He sent a quick 'good morning' and 'yeah I'm fine' before sitting up in his bed and mentally preparing himself for whatever the day would bring.

He got dressed, brushed his teeth and hair, ate breakfast, whatever else people do in the mornings. He was on autopilot, too busy going over every horrible scenario in his mind.

He'd made up his mind. He would apologize and explain if given the chance, but if Coiny ignored him, he wouldn't bother him. The former would be preferable though.

The waiting game...

And with that fleeing thought, he began his morning jog to school.

Dear god he wished Coiny would ignore him.

It was only third period, and the brunette had already managed to steal his hair tie, purposely bump into him multiple times, knock shit out of his hands, and throw paper balls at him. All of that, only in the halls.

They hadn't even had a class together, and while all of this did feel warranted considering what Firey had done, it was kind of starting to piss him off.

Firey dreaded third and fourth period, as they both had those classes together. And in fourth Leafy wouldn't be there as Firey's emotional support.

Coiny had always fucked with Firey, they were rivals, that's their whole thing. But this, this was different. Coiny wasn't adding any snarky but joking insults, and he wasn't giving Firey any openings to fight back. This was personal.

Firey contemplated skipping all the classes they had together, he could do that, he really could. There was no point in trying to appear innocent anymore. It was obvious Coiny knew.

So, he decided to skip his next two classes and hide in the art room all break. He texted Leafy to inform her so she wouldn't think he died or something, and she just replied '😢👍' so he figured he was in the clear.

He would camp out in a bathroom stall for a bit. He had his phone and all the anxious thoughts in the world, so he could keep himself preoccupied until break.


Ok, he was bored as shit. He sighed before standing and cautiously making his way out of the restroom. He could go to class, Fridays are usually chill so nobody would really notice if he just slipped in.

And Leafy was in that class. He would be fine with a friend. He could worry about fourth period when the time comes.

He made his way to class and his prediction was correct, nobody noticed. Apart from Coiny, who threw a paper ball at him as soon as he stepped through the door.

Firey would've said something, a retort or insult, if Coiny hadn't simply looked away before the two had the chance to make eye contact. Firey restrained himself from making a scene and went to take his seat.

Leafy looked at him with pity, which made him feel worse. "I thought you said you were skipping?"

"I got bored, and education is very important Leafy." He replied sarcastically. "Anyways, I think I'm just gonna take a nap."

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Firey stared at Leafy for a moment before laying his head on his desk and letting himself slip away.


Pin sat idly conversing with those around her. Coiny had been laser focused on messing with Firey all day, so she'd left him to that while she focused on other things. Like how Leafy had agreed to visit her this weekend to meet her dog, and how much cleaning she would have to do.

And speak of the devil, Leafy had gotten up and taken an empty seat near Pin.

"Oh hey, what brings you to this side of the room?" Pin slightly leaned forward in her seat.

"Well, Firey's napping and I don't have any work today, so I figured I'd come talk to you."

Pin smiled and went to say something, before being rudely interrupted

"Why was he like, ten minutes late?" Coiny was fidgeting with a crinkled paper, one that would probably be aimed at Firey's head when he woke up.

"He was planning to skip, but got bored and came back. Knowing him, he'll probably change his mind again and skip fourth period so-"

"Mhm, noted. Thanks."

Leafy looked confused and glanced at Pin, who shrugged and looked the slightest bit embarrassed at the brunettes behavior.


The bell rang, startling Firey from his uncomfortable nap. He stood and stretched a bit before going to leave the room.

The bustling halls were jarring after just waking from a serene nap, but what was more jarring was someone grabbing his shoulder before aggressively turning him to face them.

And that someone was none other than Coiny. Of course.

Firey couldn't get a word in before Coiny shoved a note into his chest and scurried off. He unfolded the note, feeling really tired and considering going home for the day.

Meet me
You know where.'



ughdhdhsh it's not 12am yet i'm on schedule!!! at least in Mountain Time
I kinda struggled with this chapter but i hope it came out alright
also i unpublished the prologue bc it's bad
ok gn

Revelations (Fireoiny + Pinleaf)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن