In August 1949

528 16 3

Coiny had been somewhat more on edge around Firey, but it had gone unnoticed so far. They'd only passed each other in the halls a couple of times, and while Coiny was worried he would act off due to his prior suspicions, he found Firey was the one acting strange.

Firey hadn't shown up to their third period class yet. Him being late wasn't uncharacteristic, but Coiny couldn't help but especially notice his absence with his paranoia.

Coiny sighed before turning in his seat to face Pin like he usually did every day. She wasn't drawing this time, and was instead sitting with her head on her desk. He supposed he wouldn't disturb her,, for now.

He turned back to his desk and absent-mindedly began humming a tune he knew. Coiny didn't have much else to do, and found himself skimming over the letters of the class syllabus on the board.

Unbeknownst to him, two green eyes watched from the doorway.


Firey peeked in the door, only to immediately back away as he felt a small blush rise on his face.

He knew he'd already been acting off, but now he was going to be in a quiet classroom like 5 feet from the very person he was avoiding. He wondered if Coiny had noticed how avoidant he'd been, he'd be surprised if so. Coiny has no business acknowledging his existence outside of their spats, really.

Firey sighed, he couldn't stand outside of this classroom forever. Skipping wouldn't be an option, as it would just draw more attention to his odd behavior. He's also probably failing this class.

He adjusted his bag on his shoulder and entered the classroom, taking a second to glance over at Coiny only to make eye contact with the brunette.

Firey quickly looked away and sped up towards his desk, setting his bag down and taking out his stuff for the day. He looked up to see Leafy looking at him with pity.

"what?" Firey whispered, glad he had an excuse to face away from Coiny.

"Firey Firey, this may just be because I've known you since forever, but it's so obvious."

Firey felt his face redden again. "Shut up, I'm trying my best. Anyway, I let Pin borrow that book you lent me, I couldn't get into it."

"Oh? Did she ask to borrow it?" Leafy was somehow talking and going over notes for the class at the same time, still able to focus on both.

"Yeah, she was being kinda weird about it too. Asking why I didn't want to get into your hobbies and stuff."

"Reading isn't for everyone, it'll be nice to have a friend who likes reading too though." Leafy smiled.

Firey paused. "You've been spending a lot of time with Pin, haven't you? Like with y'all's lunch dates and stuff." He figured he could try to get more info on Coiny from Leafy, from his girlfriend who she had been hanging out with a lot.

"I know right? She's so interesting, and I think she thinks I'm interesting too! Like, she asks for book recommendations, and tries to help me study, and I even dreamt about her the other night. Crazy right?"

Firey blinked, glanced over at Pin, then back to Leafy. At the mention of dreams, he once again remembered his from the previous night. Leafy and Pin on the couch,, cuddling?

If he hadn't kissed his rival in the same dream, the former might've been the most odd part of that dream.

'Stop thinking about that!!! Focus on school! Focus on...'


Coiny didn't feel like being ignored all day, so he figured he would just walk up and ask Firey what was up with him. So he did, but of course, he had to make it fun.

He figured he would just sneak up behind the taller and scare him or something. Maybe by gripping his shoulders or going "Boo!" Something dumb.

He didn't get to do any of that though, as something else caught his eye. Writing, on Firey's arm. The orange-head was currently turned in his seat, conversing with Leafy, one arm hooked on the back of his seat and the other lying on his desk.

And on that arm, written in blue ink, were four oddly familiar titles.

Instead of creeping up like he planned, Coiny found himself walking over to Firey before taking his arm to get a closer look. Firey somehow didn't notice, while Leafy glanced up, then back down, then quickly up again. Her eyes widened and Firey finally turned around, only then remembering what was on his arm and realizing who was inspecting it.


"Coiny!" He nearly squeaked before yanking his arm away and pulling his sleeve down. He had a deer-in-the-headlights expression.

The late bell rang, and without a word, Coiny walked back to his seat.

Firey looked back at Leafy, who inhaled sharply with a look of pity before putting away her study material.


Ok hi sorry for the hiatus but i think i'm back and ready to continue writing so yayyy
I was re reading and thinking about renaming some chapters and mmaybe deleting the prologue. It's just too short and may sway people from reading the rest of the story so if it's gone that's why.
Other than that we should be back on track and I'm going to try to update on tuesdays and wednesdays.
Again sorry for the hiatus but i'm back now!!!!

ps this chapters title is a song lyric bc i'm a nerd and listen to music when I write so

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