Loud on the roof, quiet from the inside

493 21 26

"This way," Firey reached for Coiny's hand, but quickly recoiled and instead just motioned for Coiny to follow. Ouch. "I think I have a first aid kit in my bathroom."

Coiny looked around, taking in all of his surroundings. Firey's house wasn't much, but it looked like he'd made an effort to make it homey. Pictures- unframed- lined the walls. Most were of track meets and events, some of things in nature, others of friends and random miscellaneous buildings. The couch had a few blankets draped over it, and an empty vase sat atop a coffee table.

"You like photography, Firey?" Coiny followed him into the bathroom, and made the cognitive decision to sit on the counter rather than the edge of the bathtub. (It helps him feel tall)

"Hm? Oh uh- yeah. I picked it up in hopes that I'd get to take a picture of our school winning a track meet. Unfortunately, you can't photograph yourself on the track."

"Mhm, I thought we got second place?" Coiny pulled his legs up onto the counter so Firey could reach the cabinets below him.

Firey chuckled, dropping his fake cockiness. "It's about having fun, isn't it?" He found what he was looking for, and placed the first aid kit on the counter next to Coiny. "Take your pants off- I didn't mean it like that."

Coiny burst out laughing at Firey's immediate backtracking. It was like he foresaw Coiny inevitably replying with something dirty. He probably did. "You didn't-" he snorted, "hand me a towel."

Firey's face took on a bright red hue, and he glared and handed Coiny a towel before exiting the bathroom. "I'll get you some shorts, fuck you by the way."

"Seems like you-"

"Don't even."

Coiny grinned and slid off the counter, deciding to snoop until Firey returned with a dry pair of shorts for him. Of course, snooping in somebody's bathroom wouldn't yield that many interesting results.

He had a lot of hair color products, which was probably how he kept his hair neon fucking orange year round. Coiny doesn't think he's ever seen his roots, so maybe he's a natural blonde or something? That'd explain a lot.

His shower curtain was closed, what psychopath leaves their shower curtain closed?? Coiny lets his paranoia get the best of him and cautiously checks behind the curtains, just to make sure nothing undesirable is hiding behind them.

He jolts as a knock comes from behind him, jesus fuck- He stands and dusts himself off, trying not to look suspicious. "Come in!"

"Are you clothed??"

Coiny snickered, "no, I am inviting you into this bathroom fully naked- Yes I'm clothed give me the fucking shorts."

He could practically hear Firey's embarrassment, or maybe he was seething, Coiny couldn't tell. "I should've left you out in the rain." He grumbles as he pushes the door open and sets down a folded pair of simple navy pyjama shorts. "Tell me when you're done and I'll help you with your leg, if you- if you want."

"Yeah, I'll probably need help. This shit hurts." Coiny says, mostly to himself, but he doesn't miss Firey's nod of acknowledgment before he closes the door.

He quickly changes out of his pants and wipes down his legs, being careful to not further irritate the scathed one. Why was it being such a pain anyways? Coiny groans and sets down the towel before pulling the somewhat oversized shorts up onto his hips. They have a drawstring so he's able to tighten them, but it's still an embarrassing reminder of his lack of height.

He's brought back to the end of his and Firey's fight. He'd known for years Firey was tall and could act overzealous. He didn't stand as if he felt he took up too much space, but at the same time it never seemed like he tried to take up space either. Not like Coiny, at least, who makes an effort to appear self-assured, and maybe a little arrogant sometimes. The way Firey had towered over Coiny though, he hates to think it, but god that made him feel things.

Coiny doesn't think his confidence is a facade, but it didn't totally suck to be taken down a notch like he was when he'd realized he'd lost. Well, not lost, per se. He was caught off guard and then they got in trouble. If they hadn't been caught, maybe he would've continued fighting, or maybe he would've acted on his sudden attraction and,, done something that would've complicated things.

He's complicating things enough as is, even giving thought to this... totally irrational and not-going-to-go-anywhere crush. Firey's hot when he towers over him, that's it. It doesn't matter that they have history and work well together and know what lines to not cross when it comes to their bickering and he faked dated Pin to make him jealous and- It doesn't matter.

Oh shit. Firey still thinks Coiny's dating Pin, doesn't he? Firey's single, that means Leafy is too. Pin has a chance, fuck yeah!!

Coiny wishes he could text Pin, but he's a mile from his house and unfortunately decided to leave his phone at home. Even if he did have his phone, he couldn't break bro code and interrupt Pin's date/hangout with Leafy.

Rain pelted the roof above him, muffled but still audible. He hoped it would calm down enough for him to be able to get home.

Another knock sounded from the door. Coiny decided to be funny and tear the door open, resulting in Firey, who was leaning against said door, to stumble into the room.

"Why the fuck did you open the door so violently??" Firey sounded shrill, likely shocked from nearly falling on his face. Maybe disbelieving that Coiny had done such a thing without knowing he could've fallen and ate shit.

"Why were you leaning against the door knowing I was gonna open it???"

"You we're saying anything! I was trying to listen to see if you'd died or something I don't-"

"Why would I be dead??!"

They both stood silently, trying to make sense of their own argument, and figure out who was really winning. Finally, Firey sighed, which turned into a few chuckles as he picked up the first aid kit and motioned for Coiny to sit down.


Journ posting a chapter not at 11pm??? woah 😦

It's me, i leave the shower curtains closed Because what if a ghost is in there i don't want the ghost to watch me piss :(

Idk who's pov the next chapter should be from,, like i think y'all already know what's about to happen yk homoerotic wound wrapping or wtv. I'm thinking Coiny, bc we've already seen a lot of Firey's pining n shit, but it'd also be silly from Firey's perspective so

mmaybe i'll do both idk see y'all next week

edit: spelling mistake 😦

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