total chaos

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Gohan POV hey who are u  if thinking u have another thing coming  I test my power aagiest him  I didn't  he would be this strong  GH that actually hurt  I guess I'll take up natch ahhh huh what  is this strong  ahhh throwing  ki blast   where's is he  this guy coming none stop  how is this strong there alot different I can handle it  gotcha that  best u can not much power u haven't seen anything yet  signed where did theses  guys come from  get away from GH damnit u Bart don't do it ahhh GH damnit this guy stronger then my mythic form I guess I have to finally use my super Saiyan  huh what is this no  don't get off him or what   ka ma ahhh ahhh ma ahhh ahhh ma ahhh sign  pants  I have to get this  guy I had to go super Saiyan to catch up wit  him Wait a minute uncle tabos said  put  in there arms they have tails to just great but I know we can beat theses guys I just figured out how though that form looks super Saiyan 3 but how they could do that  even wen trunks n Goten fused   were these guys come from. Dede said he feel them space  picloo says to me  in my mind I have no idea what they want but it can't be good  ka ma ahhh ahhh ma ahhh ahhh ma ahhh this not all my power what Jez how much power he has.

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