load luu

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Bardock POV we have get those dragon balls back now  hey get back here chasing the guys who stole them  there in the cave  great now I'm maze we going to get Lost if u would get them like I told u to how I suppose to know  great we suck here we have to find a way to get outta here nope we going in circles  I know there of them on bored now give them to me now who u u I'll worm to give Onders to anyone  that's all on there we have to find a way to get outta here  hey I found a way out finally someone who has thier brain for once  what the sound of crap those gaint  worms be careful we don't know where they pop up next  get off u  enough ahhh who the hell are u they guy in charge u won't make out of here alive we see about that u going to fight are u going to talk All day ahhh what u have to do better then that  I guess am but rusty now  die Bart karrot u pay ahhh why u  u think eough the stop me now  sorry to scare u guys  look like you finally get hold o. Your super Saiyan from  even in his base form he leagues ahead of me  that's all u have I won't let u ahhh prepare for die why all asshole say things before about go into battle  ahhh I can't. Be u finish be gone ahhh.

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