legendary super Saiyan

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Gine POV who this that no way it can't be u know him mom yes Pegasus u sure about this what could it hurt right  why does this place look empty  this borly what the karrot  borly u feel that right  his power is scary  u worry to much mom it's fine what u talking about trunks am telling something not right   huh karrot  that power hwy what the hell I have no idea he just attack me I don't get it   it looks he unlimited power from somewhere  he lying what u going on about boy there no sayins here these people are being enslaved  there I figured u it I'll kill u because of your father wee  sent off world that's no excuse for to hurt anyone u hush woman crowed attack borly huh GH damnit mom u okay that's actually hurt  wit no punch right ahhh what the GH as I aren't through bulling  how is someone this powerful wait a minute what he says before that's it  borly has to be the legendary super if legend nobody seen one years he power on another level dammit he getting stronger as he fights  what gine ahhh get off her whoa sign  am not home yet Gohan  u okay shh yeah a bit sore b bruised up am fine Ka ma ahhh ahhh ma ahhh ahhh ma what the he went right though it he more powerful then we think  give me your power I have to finish him off now .

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