the tiffle gorilla

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Bardock POV GH damnit  I don't know how long I can hold this form up   damnit he gotten stronger  let's do this ahhh  u listen here am only talking like this   am in Vegeta body  me I remained unchanged what is he going  am doing destroy everyone on this planet  we have up stop him  now  I can tell like karrot he doesn't have control of the ozaru we can we do am sorry guys  good thing I learned this two fingers on my forehead  come on am to late damnit  if he makes another blast the planet won't be able to hold up  we have to hold up  crap  ahhh  took the  blast on  hahaha phew that was close  u know instant transmission  yeah before I came to earth I stop by planet yardrat am surprised they remember me I went there once I save them  I told them I wasn't there to destroy it I need help  learned something called sprite control Haven use it just yet   dad  Tulsa what u doing here what the hell happened  whoa that's baby  the Great ape of legend karrot is that u big brother it's great to see u to bardock n two looks like the family all hear  where my granddaughter  Wait a minute where radtiz radtiz was here yeah  before  baby threw that dreath ball he help me  am fine karrot radtiz u all  alright I get outta there before the blast connected  had to heal up somewhere father is that u old crew look who it is .

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