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Goku POV we  here let me  do the taking okay  king Yuma kami  am here to  take Goku here to king kai I didn't think anyone what's to go there  thier our sayins coming to destroy earth 🌎  hello king Yuma did a big guy wit long hair  come through here  yeah tried to staring a fuss sent him to hell  come  that's Snake way  it took me years to get the end of it  remember Goku please don't fall off it of u do u be stuck in hell forever get it  better get going ahhh  o get it's so long  wait there the end of it where king Kai place mm am here  eww man  this gravity  it's hard to stand are king kai  what u doing  your king kai would expect the Easter bunny  I have get stronger  there  sayin supposed to come to earth. In a year  u have to tell me a joke u kidding me right  I did tell him the joke  lame I tried again he did laugh  I have to catch babbles  eww this grivty   ahhh  After a few times I did what  u have to learn walk on grivty  I can do this  u have learn how control  it  now hit Gregory  makes u fast strong eww this is havey ahhh what  here I comes   mandate I have two  moves to tough u one the spite  bomb ahhh  now ahhh man Goku u learned that in a week  kokoien  be careful u use to much of it could rip your body apart .

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