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Goku POV look what I found  we have to get some how let me try something what the I can't do well I guess we have to do the old school way dad says careful why in here we have to  find a something to fix the ship  just great now we have these guys after us now we are being hunted down u have bounty's on your heads   hey we get we get out there quickly  u are criminal  see aww och stop ideot for once ahhh hey what the hell  we have to get outta here now right  I get it  my  get the ship I found it  this has to be the king doing charging us this much I swear u Bart's never actually took over planet before have u  I have no reason to  u guys again ahhh what behind u man I thought u guys would be  interested but I guess not  look out hey what's the big idea  I can handle them yeah  look a lab or something  where pan guys let's get outta here I finally was able to fix  shut up u dumb robot he found actually dragon thanks u alot help  here I get the rest how they end up here  before that hopefully they turn back the son I know this I'll kid version of is  hey hopefully I get my power back soon I hope  great now they lander of this planet after us yeah probably going to send his mean after us .

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