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Barock POV  ahhh u give up already u kidding me this best I feel in years  u have long way to go  to bad I haven't met karrot yet  hey may be idiot but he hell of fighter never gives up   sigh that power it's frizza I thought karrot destroy him  nice shirt Vegeta shut up  u feel that to  that's frizza ship that asshole they must looking for Goku  green man says  my blood was boiling  he destroyed  our planet oh no king cold here me gine n Vegeta said at the same time  who this kid wit purple hair who are u it doesn't matter u want live to know away    show him lesson this kid moved so fast  ahhh what  Goku names barock kid  he bad news kid  I never saw this guy before trunks thought  hahaha ahhh I hope u know doing kid ahhh no way he super Saiyan but I thought that was legend  oh no those eyes  it can't be u dead ahhh what GH  I can't tell u that  look  out hey frizza he slice him in prices I'll destroy him ahhh no frizza u next cold  u killed my son  mm it's the sword actually it's not    not bad kid u took my kil sorry who are u kid we have to wait for Goku u know my son   I thought all the sayin dead they did I was brought back I see  karrot who u he your father  yeah I can tell. I have something to tell u okay.

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