a secret revealed

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Bardock POV  damnit what do I do now it's unless   I have to find them some where  it just me  now GH where are u guys   hey u get back huh what happened u have to thank this fie helping this was all plan what u mean u wanted to get caught  nobody else knows about this  hwy give it back no  how u do that  wit this  this was planned u really didn't  no we have destroy this guy once n for all hey look a found a secret door stop right there  what's in here hwy don't open that what are hiding u old fool  what is this thing my creation so that's why my ki went to   dad u okay yeah  I don't know what the hell u up to old man tell me  I think I should tell u all there great war on planet Vegeta wit spices calling themselves the tuffles back then it was called planet plant then if my memory serves me right  it  was renamed after king Vegeta prince Vegeta father am not sure what u up to old man  it not good  we destroy them tuffles took thier tech made our own   as u know all of us were Free until the cold. Family came along  we worked wit frizza what we didn't have a choice kid   we destroy alot planet  the only reason I knew that frizza was going to destroy planet Vegeta because  kasssan give me foresight  it doesn't matter it going destroy u  all shut up .

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