a way out 2

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Radtiz pov huh what is this power just  Sense dad wait a up  I have no idea this the wrong time  check out  Vegeta where u karrot this not good  give power level just pop outta no where  about worm u smash ahhh  who the hell are these guys sayin what u kidding me  ka ma ahhh ahhh ma ahhh ahhh what the oh that had to hurt  alright  my turn  u won't show mercy like my nephew  fusion huh  let's go this ahhh  double Sunday  u no fun radiz  pay attention boy right  huh what the hell didn't he just turn into great ape     I have to take up natch  yeah I saw  it  how are they turning  now we have to figure out a way  defend him  get back here  of course  the trail  ahhh grab the tail  disssco disk that was close  now boys now  take this  together double Sunday  u think  that going to do something  u still alive u count yourself Lucky  now talk why u are u   u couldn't have done this by yourself where the others  don't lie  either   what is this how could defend me something odd here  yeah how could as soon Goten push flew bast Kamehameha wave he was yelling in pain  our master won't allow this  shit up who is he u better talk soon or later  that means there one person who knows nobody  would   be here to protect  the earth something not right here  who these  no  idea who these guys are .

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