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Gine POV u look so beautiful thanks well we better get out there I couldn't believe karrot n chichi were getting married wow mom u look nice thanks son we here to welcome chichi n my future son n law Goku. In the family Goku wen u I first meet u I knew u were my kight shining armor Goku right sorry chichi wen your dad ask me to come n get u u kicked me off flying nimbus oh brother but o learn to know what love was u are now n wife. Aww Goku hehe congrats guys man who thought Goku get married well yeah well. Am proud of the man u have become Goku as your mother feel like am losing a son but am gained a daughter we don't have much family but welcome to it either way I knew barock would hate all this mushy stuff hey mom how does it feel to be married. Well it's a bit different u have to love her son never take her for Kindles for weakness okay Honey u have someone to fight for now we'll I better get going before chichi comes looking for me she can be a bit scary well that's woman for u wen I was her age well it was different she reminds me of old friend of mine I had a life before to u know hehe I see ya mom okay radtiz am sorry I Left u alone. Barock u risk your life to save mine n karrot thank u . Hey gine u coming yeah here I come.

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