sayin suga 2

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Gine POV radtiz u  I can't lose another son  where did he go  mm it seems kami had. Plans for Goku what u doing am training him  um don't u need his  mother I don't  there two more sayins oh the way  in a year  coming here we can wish. Me back with the dragon balls   they are listen to everything u said. Picloo  hahaha stay alive radtiz am sorry mother  damnit am coming wit u what  just don't get in my way  where am I shut up bart  listen up your father Dead   am sorry gohan don't live me here u think that's  good idea it helps. H survival the only two I can think of. Is nappa n prince  Vegeta they are strong ahhh u to slow  u fast I give u that    what I do now grade up what can I get a minute nope u think that sayins are going to give u a minute she can't save u grow up   bart  shhhh what ahhh he has power within him he has to unlock it n control it good  u getting better ka ma ahhh ahhh ma ahhh knock it back  the full moon Gohan claim down  child no use it's the Moon ahhh this slows him down  this will grow back u u know I feel wired without my trail  u mean it goes back. We have a year till they get here so we better be ready wen they do  they must was off planet Vegeta wen it was destroyed.

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