return of ubb

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Ubb POV hey u okay   yeah am student of Goku's I sense what was going on where Goku  what no it can't be    an here to fight u  hahaha really earthing  defend me how  stupid u sound  alright    I have remember my training  here I come  ahhh  how could u keep up wit me meanwhile pan running hey we have to get outta here awe  I have to get there u in no I have destroy that guy Goku said to elder Kai I see  but u going to need her your tail  hopefully that give u more power then before  who are these guys they must under baby control as well  beind u GH hey I told u not to get in my fight but load baby listen I was tested him okay fine alright ah oh no he killed them u pay  ahhh the parasite in Vegeta body Begin taking over  huh who are u he ki feels like mine go but Buu oh no wit that he could destroy earth  I have stop that right now  haha what u doing he takes the blast head on pink tubb fall me ahhh  I realized he was me  all  it I absorbed Buu we became one aagin  I never feel such power before thanks Buu ahhh what is this now where  we  we begin fighting aagin  what the hell get off  this for Goku  where Buu I don't know  he saved us  I will  make him pay Goku make u proud I will.

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