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Bardock POV  it can't be  the Golden ape roar ahhh clam down  karrot  he can't control it  he alot stronger that way  pan what u doing get outta there it's me  bardock am fine  but how I don't see any moon there ahh more power  u done for baby  let go of me u monkey  u asshole  it's me pan don't u remember  there no use pan  bardock look at   huh  he changed aagin ahhh so are we huh  still  ape form  I have to have some that power  come on   mabey I can  grandpa bardock are u guys on our side the good hehehe  whoo super Saiyan 4 that's super Saiyan 4 but bardock some how got  to  the red fur it great to see u guys u to dad am  just happy to  see u as adult again  we have to find baby that crowed run off somewhere don't worry we find him  meanwhile huh u feel that yeah bardock your father is back I can sense his Kai they said they flying to the battlefield oh no we go late baby must have made a wish  huh dad bardock fasha but how u Alive bardock wish us back to Life  what happened here  why prince Vegeta look like that I have no idea he took over Vegeta body how u know  before found Tulsa n mom I saw it  he I understand  we have to find out a way  to destroy baby without killing Vegeta  that's not Vegeta anymore we have find now.

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