I brought her into the living room where Theo was talking adamantly to a girl. She was bigger than Harley. Taller with red hair and pale skin. The attention was on us now. Luna noticed Harley and squealed loud. "OHH MY GODDD! HIIIII" She ran up to us and Harley flinched, holding tighter onto me. Luna bounced around, "What's your name? How old are you? Do you like dolls? OOO we can play together. THEO you didn't tell me you had a friend." Luna rambled on and Harley's eyes danced with emotions. Tyler chuckled. "Mi amor, let her breathe. She's smaller than you." I bounced Harley a little and looked at her. "Wanna go play with her?" Harley shook her head, holding on tighter. Luna bounced up and down. "Please. Please. Please" Thomas stepped forward, looking at Harley. "Why don't you go upstairs with Theo and Luna. They have blocks." Harley looked scared at the thought. Sawyer stood up. "What if I go with you?" Harley seemed overwhelmed, but before I could say anything she slowly nodded her head. Luna cheered and Theo came over. I set her down and she hesitantly padded after them. Sawyer followed behind the three of them and I looked at Tyler and Thomas. "What are the odds they get along?" Tyler and Thomas both laughed. "Slim to none." Thomas chuckled. Tyler shrugged, "I don't know, Luna is harmless, she is just a lot at times."

We sat around and talked for a while. About a half hour went by and Sawyer came into the room plopping himself on the couch. "They are fine. They were playing dress up when I left." I looked at him surprised. "Harley hasn't opened up to them yet, but maybe she will once I leave. She was just watching with her blocks when I left. Pretty impressive tower though." Thomas smiled. "Her and her blocks. She loves those things." I chuckled. We continued talking when we heard a crying coming from upstairs. We were up in a flash, Tyler right behind me. We entered the room and Luna and Theo were arguing, both in tears and Harley was still on the ground with her eyes wide. Luna and Theo started swinging at each other, hitting each other with the toys in hand, and Harley panicked. She started breathing heavily, rising and falling. "Stop fighting please." She whimpered, tears coming to her eyes. I sighed. Harley's eyes flashed to me as I came into her view, she stood up, about to come to me, when Luna shoved Theo hard and Theo's body struck Harley's as she passed. Luna launched herself on top of Theo, hitting Harley again in the process. Harley shrunk and balled her eyes out, curling into a fetal position. Tyler and Thomas seemed to move simultaneously. Tyler grabbed Luna and Thomas took Theo. I scooped up Harley and hummed into her ears as she cried. I shifted her body into my arms and felt wet. She must have had an accident.

She balled into my arms as Tyler scolded Luna. "We do not hit people. Ever. Not nice." Thomas had Theo in the same position. " You need to tell Luna, you are sorry. Hitting isn't nice." The two littles grumbled that they were sorry and then turned to their doms for comfort. But Tyler looked over at Harley who didn't seem very happy still. She hadn't stopped crying yet. I shook my head at them and walked into the bathroom across the hall, then realized putting her down probably wasn't the smartest option. I held her and cooed into her ears until she quieted down. She gripped my shirt and whimpered. "They hwurt mwe." She slurred. She sounded small and broken. I knew what this meant.

"I know, little one. They didn't mean too." She whimpered again, shifting in my arms. She noticed the wetness. She went to whine when I hushed her. "It's okay, I'm going to clean it. It's okay." She whined and I picked her up bringing her back into the nursery. They all looked at me and nodded. The room cleared and I layed Harley down on the changing table. I grabbed her stuffed animal from the shelf, handing it to her. She grabbed him and smiled. "Moose." I grabbed some clothes and supplies for her. I went back to her and lifted her shirt off and then the wet shorts.

I quickly cleaned her and put the diaper in place, taping the sides. I grabbed a small blue t-shirt with butterflies on it and then some cute denim overalls shorts. I pulled them up and then clipped them on the chest. I pulled some white socks on her feet and then picked her up, placing her on her feet. She looked at herself in the mirror and giggled. I smiled at her adorableness. "Daddy picked nice stuff." She smiled, pointing at herself. I smiled and ruffled her hair. She gestured for my arms and I scooped her back up, bringing her back downstairs. "Juice?" She questioned looking towards the kitchen. I nodded.

'Of course, baby." I brought her into the kitchen and grabbed a sippy cup. Sawyer came in and gasped. "Now. Hold it right there. Who is this cutie?" Harley looked at him and giggled. "It's meee." She smiled. I continued filling up the juice. She wiggled around as Sawyer came closer. I turned and looked at him, handing her off to him. She squealed and laughed. "daddy...helpppp." I chuckled and put the juice back in the fridge. "Baby, I've got your juice." She giggled and reached for it. I took her back into my arms and gave her the sippy cup. She sipped on it as we entered the living room. I sat down with her in my lap. She snuggled into me, looking around. Thomas grinned. "You look absolutely adorable, little one." She blushed and leaned into me more. "Papa! Can we go to the park with Theo?" Luna pleaded. Tyler looked at Thomas and then at me. Thomas looked at Harley who seemed to be zoning out as she sipped her juice. I looked at them, and then at Harley. "Baby, do you want to go to the park?" She seemed to really ponder this. "Are there swings? She asked. I smiled, "yes, baby. There are swings, and slides, and things for you to climb." She bounced up and down, "yayy." I readjusted her in my lap, rubbing her bare legs. She seemed pretty happy as she finished her juice. She held up the empty cup, "more?" Thomas looked at us and then the others. "Why don't we head to the park now? And then grab some lunch on the way back." Tyler nodded and agreed. "Yeah that sounds good." Thomas looked at Theo, " Let's go get ready."

They disappeared upstairs and I stood up. Harley looked at me curiously, "Juice?" I smiled, "yes, hold on, baby. Let's get your shoes first." I brought her to the entry hall where her white converse was. I set her on the counter table, and tied her shoes up. She swung her feet playfully, "daddy." she stated. I looked at her. "Yes, baby?" she poked my cheek. "You are pretty." I chuckled. "Thank you, baby. You are beautiful too." She giggled. She held up her juice. "More?" I smiled, "yes, baby. Let's get you more." I went back into the kitchen and looked around for a bigger cup, since she finished this one so quickly. I grabbed the biggest sippy cup I could find and filled it with more juice. She smiled when I handed it to her and I filled up another one for the road. She sipped on it and the others joined us downstairs. Sawyer brought her diaper bag and I slid the other sippy cup into the side pocket. Harley waved at Sawyer, "Sasa, come to park?" Sawyer smiled, "Of course, squirt." I carried her back outside and to the jeep, I opened the door to the back seat and I sat her in the seat, buckling the snaps. She held onto her juice and giggled as I tickled her stomach. I got in, Hunter in the passenger seat and Sawyer and Brad in the backseat with Harley. Thomas and the others had taken Tyler's truck.

Harley babbled the whole way there. She talked to Sawyer about fairy tales and crazy stories. Sawyer entertained her fantasies and she giggled at his silliness. We got to the park that was a couple towns over, just so they could be in headspace and not feel judged by people they could know. We parked and I got out to grab harley.

Heyy babes! thank you for all the support and lovely comments and messages I have been receiving!

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