Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"But I don't know which one to choose. You were so cool they all looked amazing."

"Thank you," Mask accepted the honest praise of a child. "Then we can practice all three."

"R-really?" Chloe couldn't help feel like his words were too good to be true.

"Or don't you think you can? Because it will be hard."

"I can! I can do it!" Chloe nodded vigorously. "If I find one better than the other I can always switch right?"

"That is true," Mask laughed. "Now why don't you learn this first? It's nitty and gritty but a part of being an adventurer is not wasting what you kill."

Chloe looked at the knife he held out to her. It was still clean compared to the bloodied one he currently used. The metal glinted with clear sharpness and the hilt was carved from a deep red wood polished and layered to better the grip. It was shorter than an ordinary hunting knife, perfect for the size of Chloe's hands. She reached towards it but paused short from the hilt. A sudden lurch sunk deep into the pit of her stomach. It was a clear and familiar sensation. Anxiety. She could say no, that she didn't want to touch the dead wolf. Mask would understand. But if she took the knife, if she tried to learn, tried to help, then she could fail. Her tiny arms with no muscle wouldn't be able to pull through the tough skin. Her flimsy fingers wouldn't balance the knife and she'd lose control. The thoughts plagued her.

"Chloe?" Mask continued to hold out the knife, waiting.

It was at that moment that Chloe decided to take it. Who would teach a girl how to use a sword when she couldn't even use a knife? Her fears of failure were pushed back. If she didn't try then she'd never know, and even if Mask yelled at her or refused to teach her anymore, at the very least she wouldn't regret it.

Her small hand received the hilt, "What do I need to do?"

Mask smiled beneath the mask, and Chloe could tell he was despite the covering, "Press the blade down here." So Chloe followed his instructions and to her surprise the knife slid in without almost any force.

"I-I did it!" she grinned.

"Careful," Mask warned her. "That knife is exceptionally sharp, you may cut yourself. Now pull the knife where I tell you."

It was a slow process and took much longer than Mask had with the first two wolves, but somehow Chloe had managed to help him peel back the skin and fur. The naked carcass looked disturbing at first but she quickly became use to the visage, swallowing any queasy misgivings she had. As Mask had described as she cut, this was part of nature.

"Not bad at all for your first attempt," Mask commented as he regarded the skinned fur. Compared to his cuts, it was clearly jagged and the edges rough but it was far from failure.

"Do we cut the meat as well?" Chloe asked as she readied her knife.

"Usually yes. Both the fur and meat could sell for quite a bit however today we'll be using the rest as bait," Mask hoisted the carcasses on top each other.

"Bait for what?" Chloe asked. "Bears?"

"Not bears but you'll see soon enough." He pocketed his blade and moved back to the cart where their sturdy steed simply stood chewing what grass there was. With the furs packed he motioned Chloe to come over. "For now we go look for herbs and then after lunch we'll return."

Chloe quickly came closer and held the now used knife to return it.

Without taking it Mask slotted a simple metal and leather sheath on the blade. He then pushed the knife back towards her, "It's for you. Any decent adventurer should have a trusty knife. I'll teach you how to care for it as well."

"T-this is for me?" Chloe was flabbergasted. "But I haven't done anything yet. I haven't helped you at all. So far all I've done is cause you to spend money and take up your time!"

"Chloe," Mask again pushed the knife towards her as she tried to return it. "You're a child. Yes we're bound by contract but we'll be together for quite some time. A child deserves to have the opportunity to learn and be given the tools to do so. You can make it up to me when you're older."

"R-right..., I'm a child," Chloe said with a heavy heart. She shook herself, holding the knife tightly in her hand. "I'll definitely pay you back!"

Mask nodded and with that the pair began to search for more herbs.

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