Ch. 17 Pups and the Scorching Merpup

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It was day two of the trip toward the Arctic. The pups were all getting pretty bored on the boat, resorting to just little games to pass the time.
"Got any twos?" Rocky asked Skye and Coral. They were playing go fish.
"Nope, go fish." Coral giggled.
"Yep, nothing," Skye added.
Rocky groaned, rolling his eyes as he pulled another card.
Failure sat in the center of the ship, seeming deep in thought. He started to look a bit green in the face and his eyes squinted. Zuma saw this and padded over to the pup. "Dude, you looking a little seasick," Zuma commented.
"Not... possible." Failure replied. "I'm in... peak... health." He grunted, holding his mouth with his paw out of reflex.
"Captain Turbot, Failure needs a west stop. Is there an island we can dock at?" Zuma asked as Captain Turbot looked around. "I see a small island that way. I'll go there." Captain Turbot said steering that direction.
Zuma looked over at Sonic. "Get a bag in case Failure here thwows up," Zuma ordered Sonic who nodded and did so.
"Where at?" Sonic called out.
"Lower deck!" Captain Turbot shouted.
Tracker and Moby were busy looking out at sea, hearing the commotion. "Guess we're taking a rest stop on that island," Tracker observed. "Looks like a small jungle! Hey, we should go explore it!" Tracker said to Moby.
"Um... I don't know... " Moby admitted, still seeming down about yesterday.
"Come on amigo, it'll be fun. Plus you'll get to see a jungle!" Tracker smiled.
"W-Well... okay." Moby sighed. "Just... as long as CORAL isn't there" Moby grunted, glaring at her. She heard him and stuck her tongue at him before continuing her card game with Rocky and Skye. Rocky noticed and sighed.
"These kids I tell ya... " He whispered to himself. He then looked at Skye and Coral. "Any fives?" He asked as Skye handed over hers to him. " I win!" Rocky giggled, wagging his tail.
"You just got lucky!" Coral yipped.
"That's kinda how the game works." Rocky chuckled.
Coral sighed, looking away.
Everyone was then distracted as Failure made a horrible sound as he threw up in a bag with Zuma's help. The Lab was patting Failure's back. "There you go, dude. Let it all out." Zuma urged as Failure gagged and hacked.
They soon docked at the island and everyone stepped on shore.
"I'll gather some island fruits and stuff I see as extra supplies." Captain Turbot said. "Sonic, Skye, Coral, care to lend a paw?" Captain Turbot asked.
"Sure thing!" Coral and Skye yipped in unison. Sonic sighed and then nodded.
"O-Okay... " Sonic replied.
"No, I'll fill in for Sonic. He doesn't do good with heights and a lot of the island fruit will be in trees." Rocky piped in. "He can go exploring with Failure, Tracker, and Moby." Rocky decided.
"What?" Sonic asked.
"Failure needs to see more of what's out there and this island is a good and small place to start that. He needs someone to watch him though, so you have to go."
Sonic sighed and then nodded. "Okay... I don't have much of a choice... "
Meanwhile, Zuma patted Failure's back as the pup seemed to be gasping for air. "Wh-What was that?" Failure panted.
"You just got a little sick on the ship-wide." Zuma assured the pup.
"Where... is the logic behind it?" Failure panted.
"It comes from the motion of the boat on the water. Your body can weact negatively to it sometimes. Make sure you find a watering hole on the island and dwink plenty from it." Zuma instructed.
"Understood... Master Zuma." Failure replied.
"Good. You'll be twaveling into the jungle island with Twacker, Moby, Sonic, and me." Zuma stated.
"You're coming too?" Tracker asked.
"Sure dude. I like explowing too." Zuma winked as the five exited the boat onto dry land.
"See you later pups!" Captain Turbot hollered as they entered the jungle.
"Whoa.. this is a jungle?" Moby asked as they walked. "Why is the seaweed so high up on those stick things?" Moby asked curiously.
"Those are leaves amigo," Tracker replied. *Arf* "Cables!" Tracker's puppack came alive and cables launched out towards a big palm tree leaf. He pulled it down off the tree and made it land on his face. "Oof, bleck. Hehehe!" Tracker giggled knocking it off himself. Moby gasped and walked over to it, rubbing it with his paw.
"Fascinating... " Moby sighed in awe. "It feels completely different from seaweed!"
"Leaves on trees use a process called photosynthesis to create energy and food for the trees. Leaves also absorb carbon dioxide, which creates oxygen to help us breathe." Tracker explained.
"Oxygen?" Moby asked.
"Yes, without oxygen, we can't breath," Tracker explains. "Oxygen is in the air all around us, and it's why we can't breathe underwater like mer-pups."
"So without oxygen, a land-pup can't live?" Moby asked as Tracker nodded.
"Whoa... trees seem very important," Moby stated in understanding as the group continued to walk on.
As the group walked, Zuma frowned at Moby, but not as much as Coral had been. He stepped up next to him as he looked around at everything.
"I never imagined I'd see this much of the land before in my life." Moby sighed.
"Why's that?" Zuma asked.
Moby growled, realizing who was asking him that. "Because anytime I tried, you pups took it away from me... "Moby replied growchingly as he sorta walk ran to keep up with Tracker. Zuma slowed down and looked over at Sonic and Failure.
"What did he mean by that?" Zuma wondered.
"Hm... I couldn't tell you." Sonic admitted. "I'm not exactly well versed in understanding people... especially growchy ones like Moby. Or... should I say pups? Hm... " Sonic wondered.
Failure didn't reply, he was too busy following behind Tracker and Moby. He was deep in his own thoughts. "Something... I want to do... " Failure continued to think.
Failure yelped and jumped, hiding briefly behind Sonic.
"Uh.. Failure?" Sonic asked and everyone stopped.
"What was that sound!?" Moby asked in shock.
Tracker looked around, flicking his ears. " Look over there!" Tracker smiled.
They saw a herd of Elephants drinking from a watering hole. "What are those!?" Moby asked, astonished at their size.
"Those are elephants! The biggest land mammals!" Tracker explained. "Let's go see, slowly." Tracker cautioned as the group slowly got closer to the elephant herd. They stopped at the edge of the watering hole and Tracker motioned for everyone to sit down. Moby smiled and was in awe.
"I never knew things this big live on land!" Moby admitted.
"They are cool, aren't they? "Tracker chuckled wagging his tail.
"Totally." Zuma agreed.
Failure continued to hide behind Sonic. He was shaking badly as he looked on at the elephants. They made another sound and Failure yelped again.
"What is wrong with me?" Failure thought inwardly as he closed his eyes. "I can't move... "
"Failure? What's gotten into you?" Sonic wondered, but Failure didn't respond. The pup couldn't even continue his previous train of thought, much less focus on the conversation. Sonic sighed and began to push Failure back. "Come with me."
Sonic pushed Failure to just out of sight range of the elephants. Once they couldn't see them, Sonic looked at Failure. "See they're gone," Sonic said as Failure instinctively whimpered, looking around Sonic for the GIANT monsters. "Where're those nerves of steel?" Sonic wondered.
Failure looked up at Sonic and then slowly sat up. He looked at himself shocked. "Wh-What are those?" Failure asked.
"Elephants... " Sonic replied sounding confused.
"Elephants.... elephants... right. Largest land mammal. Not hostile unless provoked or protecting their young." Failure said as if he knows these facts by heart. He then sighed sitting up. "Right, they won't hurt us... " Failure said sounding dazed and confused. While he was sitting up proud and tall again like normal, he was still shaking lightly.
"Failure, why did those elephants scare you?" Sonic asked.
"Pfft, I can't be scared... " Failure replied, before pausing and squinting down at his paws. "C-Can I?" He wondered out loud.
Sonic tilted his head. "Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself."
Failure grew wide eyes and looked at Sonic. "I... I feel stable." Failure reasoned in reply, though the response sounded a little uncertain.
"Okay... if you say so," Sonic stated as Tracker and the others returned back to them.
"There you dudes are. Don't wander off alone." Zuma stated.
"Right, sorry." Sonic nodded.
Failure's eyes then drooped back to normal and he nodded with a cold voice. "As you wish... Master Zuma."
Sonic looked back at Failure with a concerned look on his face before the group marched on.
Moby giggled to himself. "I can't wait to tell Mcsquidly of all the cool things I've learned about the land!" Moby exclaimed and then his smile faded. He looked down as the realization hit him. "Mcsquidly... " Moby sighed.
Tracker looked at his new friend with concern before hearing a strange sound with his super ears. "Guys, I hear something!" Tracker exclaimed running ahead of everyone. The other four pups gave chase and stopped at the edge of a circular ravine. Below sat a body of water and an old pirate ship as well.
"It's a pirate ship! Cool!" Zuma exclaimed.
"Pirate ships float?" Moby asked.
"I guess you've only ever seen the one in the ocean depths, but yeah they do. Better at floating than Puplantis that one time." Zuma explained bluntly, as Moby scoffed at Zuma.
"Can we go down and take a look?" Moby asked.
"Hm, we'll need to find a safe way down." Tracker realized. He looked around and saw a dirt path leading toward the ship. "Let's go to the other side of the ravine and look for that path," Tracker said as the group did so. They eventually found their way down to the ship and crossed the shallow waters to it.
"The boat looks like it got stuck here." Sonic realized. "This water is too shallow for it to go anywhere."
"Yeah. It could've got stuck in here after a bad title wave from a storm." Zuma agreed.
They entered the pirate ship and walked around. "Hmm, seems pretty clean. No dust or dirt. "Tracker realized. "Almost like it's been wiped clean."
"Hm... Failure dude, see any evidence of someone living on this thing?" Zuma asked.
Failure looked around in response and then returned his gaze back to Zuma. "Evidence on deck suggests something living on the boat." Failure replied calmly.
"What could be living on this old thing anyway?" Moby asked as he stepped on a creaking board.
"Yar har! What have we here!?" A pirate-sounding voice shouted excitedly. The group of five looked up and saw a red and black furred dog sitting on a railing next to the ship's steering wheel.
"Possible danger... " Failure barked, getting ready to fight.
"Settle down, Failure," Zuma warned.
" Hola amigo! I'm Tracker, and this is Moby, Zuma, Sonic, and Failure." Tracker explained. The dog jumped down effortlessly in front of the group. He had an eye patch and a black pirate hat too.
"What are you all doing trespassing on my ship." The pirate dog asked.
"We were exploring the island while our crew gathered some slight food supplies. We'll be heading back soon. I pwomise we won't cause any twouble." Zuma replied.
The pirate dog looked everyone over and smiled. "Well, I can tell that by looking in yer eyes. You're all good young'uns."
Everyone sighed in relief, seeing as he seemed like a friendly pirate.
"Scorcher's the name. I travel the seas in hopes of finding lots of treasure and adventure!" Scorcher replied.
"How can you twavel the seas if your ship is washed away in this cove?" Zuma asked.
"Ah, ye see I don't need the ship to explore. I travel the seas via another method." Scorcher explained.
"What's the other method?" Tracker asked.
Scorcher smiled and walked to the side of the ship. "Why don't I show ya?" Scorcher inquired as he jumped off the ship with a wagging tail. The pups all gasp and run to the edge of the ship. They see the dog splash into the water and then a flash of light emerged from the water. Scorcher then jumped out of the water with a red and black fishtail!
"He turned into a mer-pup!!!" Zuma gasped!
"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed. "That's what a mer-pup looks like!"
"How... did he do that?" Moby wondered.
After playing around in the water for a minute, Scorcher jumped out of the water suddenly changing back. He landed in the shallow water and then climbed back up on the ship. "Hahaha! Always a fun time being my fishy self." Scorcher laughed.
"Dude that was so cool!" Zuma exclaimed. "I never knew a mer-pup that could change on their own."
"Aye, all full-blooded male mer-pups can," Scorcher explained. "So you know mer-pups eh? Where from?" Scorcher asked.
"Puplantis," Sonic replied.
"Puplantis... eh... the home of my wife. How I miss her." Scorcher sighed solemnly.
"Your wife?" Moby asked.
"Aye, ye see, my wife is the most beautiful mer-pup in all the seas! She's purple, radiant and so kind. We have a beautiful daughter and we lived happily. But... I yearned for adventure... to explore the open seas and to check on me loot back here on my ship. So I left, vowing I'd return often to see my family. It's been a while though... I really ought to return for a visit. I wonder how much bigger me daughter is." Scorcher sighed in joy at the thought.
"That sounds a lot like Mama Mer-pup." Zuma said.
"Who's the Mer-pup you're referring to?" Moby asked.
Zuma explained it and Moby nodded. "Ah, Marina. She's the leader of the Mer-pups." Moby sighed.
"You know my wife?" Scorcher asked.
"Yes sir. I uh... was a Mer-pup resident in Puplantis," Moby replied. Scorcher then grew a serious look.
"Were ya?"
Moby didn't like the look the older dog was giving him. "U-Uh y-yes?" Moby replied, sounding nervous.
"Hm... why don't you puppers check out my loot below. I want... to speak with this young dog." Scorcher said as the other four pups went below deck. "Don't touch anything! Some of it could be dangerous for ya!" Scorcher warned.
"Whoa! Look at all this! So cool!" Zuma exclaimed from below.
Scorcher smiled at their enjoyment and then looked seriously at Moby. "Young Dog, why were you in Puplantis?" Scorcher asked.
"Wh-What?" Moby asked.
"All males... aside from me... are to report to the Artic. None are allowed to live in Puplantis... so why were ye there?" Scorcher asked.
"I-I was born there... raised there. I'm a Puplantian... by birth. There are... other male mer-pups... besides me and you? At the Artic?" Moby inquired.
Scorcher frowned and sighed. "Ye don't know... ?" Scorcher realized.
"Know... what?" Moby asked.
"All male mer-pups are the guard for the arctic waters, for the day will come when the fearsome one shall awaken and begin calling the children of the sea," Scorcher explained.
"Fearsome one?" Moby asked.
"Still a blank with a capital 'B' eh?" Scorcher asked as Moby shrugged.
"Look... I don't know what you are on about... but I wasn't part of no guard! I've been living in Puplantis since the moment I could remember!" Moby exclaimed.
Scorcher frowned tapping his chin with his paw and then had an idea. "Moby, jump in the water."
"What?" Moby asked.
"Jump in the water for me. I want to see something." Scorcher explained. Moby looked down in thought and did so reluctantly. As he jumped in the water, Scorcher watched from above. Moby stayed doggy paddling in the water for a few minutes, looking up at the dog.
"I see... meet me in the shallow water," Scorcher called as they both met up there. "Young dog, you are not what you think you are."
"What do you mean?" Moby asked.
"You are not a Puplantian Mer-pup... you're not even a mer-pup. You are a land-pup." Scorcher said.
"Well duh, I am one now... finally." Moby sighed at those words as if extremely happily.
"That's just it. Ye see, Mer-pups don't long for land, yet your actions, your attitude, your inability to shift at will, you are not a Mer-pup. You are a land pup that was turned into one. Possibly cursed." Scorcher explained. Moby froze, unable to process. His eyes grew wide, as if remembering something.
"Y-You're telling me... I've... been living a lie?" Moby asked.
"Fraid so maty." Scorcher replied, now with a somber tone to his voice. "A male mer-pup can change to mer-pup and land-pup whenever they desire. All they have to do is wish for it. This only works if they are naturally born mer-pups. You are naturally born a land-pup, thus you do not have access to this ability or sacred heritage of our kind. If anything, you would be considered- "
"An outcast... " Moby growled. "A nobody... a pup who has no place amongst the dogs he's grown up with!?" Moby barked, tears in his eyes. "M-My whole life... was a lie... " Moby whimpered.
Scorcher watched the young pup pitch an angry fit and screamed like the young puppy he was. "Stupid Mer-pups... they lied to me! They forced me to do stuff I don't like, bullied me, kept me out of things growing up, destroyed my stuff, and lied to me!!! I HATE THEM ALL!!!!" Moby barked out, as he angrily kicked rocks into the water over and over until finally tuckering out and collapsing on the sand.
Scorcher watched and sighed. He seemed to want to say something, but then he noticed someone walk up.
Zuma appeared next to Moby and sat down next to him. Moby, with teary eyes, looked up at Zuma and growled. "What do you want?"
"I heard evewything... I never knew." Zuma said, looking down at the hurt pup.
"I... I hate them... " Moby said. "I hate... that I hate them... "
Zuma slowly reached over and started to lightly pet Moby on the head. "I know it's hard. Being left out... feeling like you're tweated diffewently. It's weally painful."
"What do you know? You pups have the perfect lives." Moby sniffed.
"Hehe... you'd be surprised. You know... I have some things in common with you." Moby looked up at Zuma curiously. "You see dude. I'm the pup that's not always picked on missions. I'm always forgotten by the news media, hardly any merchandise is made based on me, and I'm usually the last invited to games." Zuma stated. "Plus, people tweat a military pup diffewent than other pups. For cwying out loud I'm tweated like a weirdo because I can't speak wight." Zuma said. "The twuth is... my life is not perfect, but that's okay. It makes me stownger in the end. It'll make you stwonger too." Zuma said, smiling down at Moby. "I think we need to start over if you'll let me," Zuma said, holding out a paw to Moby.
Moby looked at Zuma nervously, before grabbing Zuma's paw with his. "Th-Thank you... Zuma." Moby replied.
"It's what fwiends are for, dude." Zuma smiled, offering a paw bump to him. Moby looked at his own paw returning the paw bump.
"You're weally good at that now." Zuma teased as Moby smiled in return.
"It's wonderful to have friends as you do," Scorcher commented, having heard everything. Zuma then grew wide-eyed.
"Scorcher dude! I just remembered! You need to hear this since I just realized you pwobably don't know. The mer-pups in Puplantis have all left at once! Seemingly towards the Artic!" Zuma barked.
Scorcher froze. "What did you say?" "All mer-pups... the sea life... everything around Puplantis has left," Moby replied, wiping his eyes. "It's why we even came to this island. We were on our way there and Failure needed to a break from sailing." The adult dog looked down in thought and then ran towards his ship. He jumped up on it with Zuma and Moby right behind him.
"Scorcher?" Moby asked.
"Pups! Come up on the main deck right now!" Scorcher barked.
The pups all came up as Scorcher studied them all. He froze on Tracker. "You... "
"Huh?" Tracker froze, looking around. "Me, Amigo?"
"Them ears... I've seen them before. Tell me, was your Grandfather a pirate son?" Scorcher asked.
"Uh... I-I-I don't know, maybe?" Tracker shrugged. "I guess it would make sense with the maps I keep finding." Tracker realized.
"Maps? Oh no... what have you done child?" Scorcher asked as Tracker froze.
"I don't like the way he said that," Sonic admitted.
"Tracker is it... you... are you performing Jack Scallywag's song in random places?" Scorcher asked.
"Si, " Tracker replied.
"This is bad... " Scorcher realized. "Don't perform that song anywhere else! Understand!?" Scorcher barked.
"Why?" Tracker asked.
"I need to help the other mer-pups... and save me, wife! Take care kids and don't let THAT kid do the song EVER again, no matter what!" Scorcher barked, sounding determined as he jumped into the water quickly, turning into a mer-pup and vanishing through an underwater cave.
"H-He's gone... " Sonic sighed in awe. "Wow, he's quick."
Tracker froze as everyone looked at him. "What do we do now?" Zuma asked Tracker. The big-eared pup looked around at the group and then down at the deck of Scorcher's ship. "We need to get to the Artic... find out what's going on," Tracker concluded as the five pups rushed back to the Flounder.
________________________________________________________________________________Back at the Flounder...
"Coming down!" Skye yipped, her flight puppack allowing her to reach a coconut branch. She knocked the coconuts down and Rocky used a net he whipped up to grab the coconuts.
"Got 'em! Take them to the ship Coral. I think it's the last bit we need." Rocky said as Coral did just as he said.
Captain Turbot was using his Binoculars on the ship and happened to see Tracker and the others running back. "Our jungle expeditions are back!" Captain Turbot announced.
Skye landed next to Rocky and they both turned to see the group run up. "How'd the exploration go?" Rocky asked. The group stopped in front of the duo.
"Good until meeting a mer-pup who lived in a cove!" Zuma explained.
"Huh?" Rocky asked.
"Yeah, a 'pirate' Mer-pup." Sonic added.
"He bolted toward the artic when we told him Marina, his pup, and all the other mer-pups left that way." Moby explained.
"Marina!?" Coral asked in shock, running up to the group. "By any chance was the mer-pup you talked to red and black?" Coral asked. The group nodded and she looked down in thought. "Marina told me about him. Scorcher. A mer-pup who she loves, but is so obsessed with adventure and pirate stuff that he sometimes forgets to come home." Coral stated.
"Well, now that his wife and mer-pup are heading to the Artic, he's heading that way too." Tracker inputted.
"Yeah and when we get there, we'll see lots of male mer-pups too." Moby stated.
"What?" Coral asked. "Male mer-pups?"
"Scorcher told us that all male mer-pups are not allowed to live in Puplantis. They are to guard the Artic regions." Moby explained, not mentioning the 'children of the sea' bit since he didn't fully understand it.
"Oh really? Heh, I guess you living amongst us was you going rogue against them, huh? Wanting to avoid guard duty? Wouldn't surprise me." Coral scoffed, clearly aiming that at Moby.
"How could I? I didn't even know there WERE other male mer-pups!!! " Moby growled.
"Likely story," Coral replied, glaring back at the pup. "You've ALWAYS been bad. Who's to say you didn't run away from them in the first place? Who's to say you aren't lying!?" Coral asked.
Moby growled as he shook. "MAYBE BECAUSE I'M NOT ACTUALLY A MER-PUP!!!!" Moby barked at Coral, making her freeze for a moment.
"What are you talking about?" Coral asked. Rocky held his paw to his chin as he listened to everything.
"Scorcher... he told me I wasn't born a mer-pup. Male mer-pups can transform to land-pup and back again whenever they want." Moby growled. "I was lied to... my whole life by all of you," Moby stated.
Coral grew wide-eyed. "What? I-I don't know anything about that... " Coral admitted.
"Well, THEY did!" Moby barked, pointing out at the ocean. "My WHOLE life was a lie. I never belonged under the sea, yet the mer-pups always insisted I was! I hated living in Puplantis! I never knew why, but I always wanted to go on land and be a land-pup subconsciously and now I know why... " Moby grumbled. "They lied to me... and I won't ever forgive them for it," Moby growled, marching up onto the Flounder without another word. Sonic gasped watching him go.
"You can't hold on to that hatred... " Sonic whimpered quietly. Coral looked down, seeming at a loss for words.
"I... didn't know... " Coral admitted, as the rest of the pups began to board the Flounder too.
"Coral, time to go," Rocky said softly. He guided the young cockapoo onto the Flounder and the boat finally left the island toward the Arctic.
Tracker and Moby went back to their usual spot as they stared out at sea. The afternoon sun began to shine upon the waters. "Who am I... really?" Moby wondered out loud.
"I don't know, Amigo. But whatever and whoever you are, I still see you as my friend. Okay?" Tracker smiled. Moby looked over at Tracker for a moment, still looking grumpy before finally sighing.
"Thank you, Tracker," Moby said as they paw-bumped.
Zuma and Rocky smiled at the duo, before returning to the cockapoo pair. "Busy day, huh?" Rocky asked Zuma.
"Yeah... and enlightening," Zuma added. "I learned more about our new fwiend." Zuma said with a smile at Rocky wagging his tail.
Skye looked over at Moby, seeming curious now. Why had Rocky and Zuma changed tune in regards to Moby? Maybe... she needed to find out herself. She turned to Coral who looked upset about things Moby said earlier. "Coral, don't blame yourself. You didn't keep the secret from Moby."
"No... but I probably would have if I knew... " Coral admitted, looking down with a sigh.
Sonic and Failure sat together, looking at the sunset. "Failure... are you okay? You seemed really upset earlier.
"F-Fine... " Failure replied.
"You don't sound fine... " Sonic pointed out.
"What if I get 'seasick' again?" Failure asked. "It... wasn't ideal or pleasant."
Sonic looked down in thought and called Zuma and Rocky over. "Failure is worried about getting seasick again."
"Is he? Huh... " Rocky asked with a smirk.
"I have an idea! Moby!" Zuma called.
Moby froze and looked back at Zuma. "What is it?" He asked with a groan. "I was talking with my friend... " Tracker smiled and wagged his tail at that comment.
Zuma laughed in response. "Sorry, I know. Dude, Failure here is wowwied about getting seasick. We can help pwevent it by giving his things to cover his ears and eyes." Zuma explained. Moby tilted his head. "Think you and Wocky can him up something?" Zuma winked.
Moby grew wide eyes and nodded. "Yeah, easy."
"Let's look below deck for things we can use." Rocky nodded as the two-headed below. They eventually came back with makeshift headphones and a blindfold. They put them on Failure and instructed him to just lie down to stay safe.
"Mm... dark... " Failure replied.
"You'll be fine. Sonic, can you stay with him?" Rocky asked as Sonic sighed nodding.
"Seems to be my job this trip." He chuckled as the other three pups began to separate.
"Thanks, Moby," Zuma said as Moby smiled, returning back to Tracker.
Sonic lay beside Failure as the pup began to squirm. "Dark... dark... like... the Lab... " Failure whimpered as Sonic frowned at the pup.
"Your life... must've been a sad one." Sonic sighed.

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