Ch. 11 Pups and the Failure

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Dissiath was laying on his back, staring up at the stars on that Halloween night. He was laying under a tree, getting ready to sleep.

"Hey, Dissiath." A voice said. Dissiath glanced to his right.

"Rocky?" Dissiath asked as Rocky shuffled his paw on the ground.

"Dissiath.. you... you promised you'd tell me something about my past... " Rocky reminded.

"I-I did? Oh... yeah, I guess I did." Dissiath sighed, looking away from Rocky. "I don't know if you are ready... " Dissiath admitted.

"Please... tell me something... anything... " Rocky pleaded.

Dissiath looked at Rocky, sighing. He pondered for a moment and then opened his mouth to say 'something' about his past, but then an image of Duke entered his mind and Dissiath's mouth closed tightly. "I can't. I'm sorry... " Dissiath said.

Rocky pouted and looked down at his paws. "Why won't you tell me? What am I not ready for?" Rocky asked.

Dissiath remained silent and looked away with a sad look. "I'm sorry... "

Rocky then sighed, walking away. "I just... wanted to know where I came from." Rocky sighed. "That's all." He said, glancing back at Dissiath before walking away.

Dissiath watched him go before looking up at the stars. "When... would it be time to tell you... you are my dad?" Dissiath wondered. The wolfdog yawned and began to close his eyes to sleep. "Long day... sleepy time." He said, going to sleep very quickly as he usually does.


The following morning...

Rocky yawned as the sunrise shined into his eyes. He stretched and stepped outside his puphouse with a wagging tail and smile. "Time for another beautiful day," Rocky said, humming as he trotted away. After taking care of something behind a bush, he walked out and looked around curiously. "Hm, I wonder where everyone is," Rocky said, walking toward the puphouses.

He saw Marshall still asleep. "Oh, Marshall," Rocky chuckled. "Always sleeping in." He then proceeded to the next puphouse and then the next. First Mighty, then Skye, then Rubble. "Everyone seems to be sleeping in. Chase must be slacking." Rocky realized as Chase is always the pup to wake everyone. Rocky got to Chase's puphouse and froze, seeing Chase asleep too. "Chase?"

The German Shepherd slept soundly in his puphouse. "Chase, time to wake everyone. I wouldn't mind skipping morning training for once, but it's a part of our routine." Rocky said, shaking the police pup. He didn't wake, so Rocky kept trying, but to no avail. He then stopped and looked to see a dart sticking onto Chase's side. Rocky gasped and backed away. He rushed to each pup and saw they all had darts in them too!

"Guys! Wake up!" Rocky barked fearfully. He then decided to look inside the Lookout, but before he could make it to the door, he saw an electrified net encasing the door, causing him to stop in his tracks. "Wh-What is going on?" Rocky asked, nervously.

"So you are the pup." A familiar-sounding voice said to him. Rocky's eyes grew wide and he turned around to see a pup that looked just like him, but was black and grey, with black soulless eyes. What's more, he wore a black suit and puppack.

"You are Rocky, yes?" The pup asked.

Rocky froze in place, very confused. He felt weak from fear as well, which wasn't helping. "Y-Yeah... Why do you look like me?" Rocky asked as the pup sniffed Rocky and seemed to look him over. "Our scents are identical. You are indeed the one." The pup said.

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