Ch. 3 Pups Save a Concert

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One morning, in Adventure Bay, Ryder and the pups were all watching TV. Rubble, Rocky, and Zuma were all on the left beanbag, the right housed Chase, Marshall, and Skye, while the middle beanbag had Ryder sitting there. Sonic was laying on Ryder's lap and Robo-Dog was watching from the side of Chase. On the TV played nonother than 'The Price is Right'.

"Come on down!" The guy on TV shouted.

"Why were all the other contestants so off on the price? It was clearly around 1,800 dollars." Rubble reasoned.

"Only you would know the price of a limited edition Apollo Skateboard for pups and kids." Rocky chuckled.

"Well... it's something, Apollo. Of course, I would know that."

"It's a fair point, but I admit for someone of your age it is surprising. you know that." Sonic replied.

"Well, they are smarter than average pups." Ryder reasoned. "With you once being an adult human, I'm sure others would view you in the same manner."

"Probably," Sonic agreed.

"We'll find out after this." The man on TV said as a commercial break began. As a commercial began to play a new alert took over the commercial break!

"Stupid news alerts... "Zuma sighed.

"Hold on, it may mean someone's in trouble," Chase stated.

Ryder nodded. "Let's watch and see."

"Coming soon to Adventure City is Mary and Kit's concert extraordinaire! Hello everyone! I'm Hailey Daily and we're reporting live where tonight a concert will play here in Adventure City!" She said as a dog and fox walked up on the screen. "Here are the pups now."

"She looks barely older than Chase," Skye said with Chase nodding.

"She could be younger, hard to say at our age." Chase pointed out.

"This will be our first concert of this scale in Adventure City. I primarily do small shows in youth centers, parks, or what have you. So performing in front of City Hall is a little daunting, to say the least. I do hope everyone enjoys the work KJ and I put into the songs." Mary said.

"She has a weird fur marking." Rubble observed seeing the heart mark on her back leg.

"Looks more like a birthmark than a fur marking, but yeah it does look weird," Marshall replied.

Hailey Daily then held the microphone to KJ. "This is the musician of the concert while Mary sings. Tell me, how hard is it to make music for your partner?"

KJ sat down tapping his chin with his paw. The fox had a shirt, pants, and headphones on, making him look... a little overdressed for an animal. But even animals have their likes and dislikes and he looks like he likes clothes.

"No comment?" Haily Dailey asked.

"Kit just isn't much of a talker," Mary explained. "He can speak, but he prefers to gesture and use body language or sounds."

"Oh, okay. So, is making music hard for your friend?" Hailey asked as Kit shook his head. "Is it easy and fun then?" Hailey asked as Kit winked one of his eyes *Ding* as he smiled at the human, then Mary.

"Well, there you have it, folks. Drop by tonight at six o'clock to witness their special concert. This is Hailey Dailey signing off."

The news broadcast then shut off to reveal they were halfway through the Price is Right now.

"Dude, commercial bweaks take way too much time. Sheesh." Zuma sighed.

Ryder then shut off the TV. "How about we head on over to Adventure City to see the concert? Besides, it's been a while since we've seen Liberty."

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