Ch. 15 Pups and the Voyage

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Tracker and Carlos were in their little cabin, in the jungle. Carlos was eating some cereal as Tracker stretched awake. *Yawn* "Buenos días Carlos. Good morning." Tracker said with Carlos chuckling at his little pup.

"Morning Tracker. Slept well?" Carlos asked as he finished his cereal.

"Yes, I did," Tracker replied, wagging his tail, and looking at Carlos' full suitcase. "Are you really going away on that presentation trip at the museum?" Tracker asked.

"Yeah. After finding that jewel, they wanted me to come to talk about it, along with the rest of my findings in the jungle. It's many cities away, so I won't be coming back for a while." Carlos said.

"Can I come with you? Please?" Tracker begged, giving Carlos puppy dog eyes.

Carlos walked over and hugged his little friend. "Sorry, buddy, not this time. The hotel they booked me at won't allow pups. It's one of those fancy old-fashioned places." Carlos said, bending down next to the big-eared pup.

"But I can't... be alone." Tracker whimpered. "It'll be like... before I met you." Tracker sighed.

"Hehe, silly pup. I'm not just gonna leave you here. You're gonna be staying with Ryder and the pups for the next few weeks." Carlos explained.

"I am?" Tracker asked, wagging his tail with a smile.

"Yeah, a long sleepover. I'm sure you'll love that." Carlos said, petting the little dog as he panted and barked happily.

"That sounds fun! But... two weeks is a long time. Oyoyoy... " Tracker whimpered.

Carlos smiled and stood up. "Nah, two weeks will fly by before you know it. It'll be okay. Go ahead and go pack your things, 'cause we'll be leaving within an hour." Carlos said. "I also have breakfast fixed up for you over there," Carlos said, pointing at a food bowl. Tracker nodded as Carlos left the room.

Tracker sighed with his ears down as he headed over to his food bowl. He ate quickly and then rushed to pack his things. "Let's see, dog bed, flashlight, Mcsnuggles the Elephant, toothbrush and toothpaste, some pictures... um... what else?" Tracker said as he wandered around the inside of the cabin. He then noticed something sticking out from under a blanket. He moved it and saw a small treasure box. "Oh, my Grandpa's old treasure box," Tracker said. 

The treasure box had a weird lock on it, though it was not a key that was needed it seemed. "I never was able to open this. Grandpa never left me the key." Tracker sighed. He picked it up with his paws and looked it up and down. He rotated it and noticed a familiar pattern on the back. "Hey, that's Jack Scallywag's song," Tracker noted. He then had an idea hit him and he rushed to grab his flute. He then got next to the box and began to play the flute. As he played the familiar tune, he heard a snap. He stopped and looked down to see the treasure box open!

"Whoa! It worked!" Tracker exclaimed as he dropped the flute. He looked down inside the box and saw... a strange circular rock. "Hm? This pattern is familiar too." Tracker thought back to Mandy's temple and barked in realization. He rushed, grabbing his uniform and gear, before grabbing the rock. He then rushed outside, using his cables to travel through the jungle to Mandy's temple.

Upon arriving at the temple, Mandy the monkey greeted the young pup as he rushed forward. *Monkey noises* 

Tracker stopped, placing down the rock. "Sorry Mandy, but I'm in a little bit of a hurry. Can you take me to a place around the temple where this pattern is located?" Tracker asked, pointing at the rock. Mandy tapped her chin and then nodded, jumping into the trees. Tracker grabbed the rock and followed her to the back end of the temple. He landed next to the queen monkey as she hit the ground and they both looked up at the temple. It had a weird pattern on the back just like the rock Tracker had. "Thanks, Mandy," Tracker said around the rock in his mouth as he walked forward. Mandy then jumped back into the trees, and out of sight.

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