Ch. 6 Pups and The Soul Swap

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It was nighttime, Sonic was sleeping soundly after a strange pup talked with him. He walked around in his dream. It was weird, nothing seemed right. In the dream, he was walking around inside Katie's Pet Parlor, but everything seemed so much... shorter. He couldn't figure out why, so he just shrugged it off. He walked onward out of Katie's not sure why he was there.

Sonic walked onward toward City Hall and saw Mayor Goodway doing some gardening. "Morning Mayor Goodway. Do you need help with anything?" Sonic asked.

"Oh hello. Yes, that would be nice. Could you bring me my water bottle? I left it inside. Sonic nodded and ran toward City Hall. He soon came back with the water bottle and gave it to her.

"Oh thank you, Chase." Mayor Goodway responded, drinking the water. Sonic froze and arched an eyebrow.

"Chase? I'm Sonic, Mayor." Sonic replied. Mayor Goodway ignored him and got back to work. "Mayor?" Sonic asked. "Hello... " Sonic tapping her shoulder. He then noticed his leg was tan and brown... just like... "Chase?!" Sonic gasped. He looked down at himself and saw Chase's body instead of his own. He started to panic and screamed.


Sonic gasped, waking up. He rose to his paws immediately and sighed. He walked out of the puphouse he was sleeping and turned to drink out of a water bowl. Wait... puphouse? He doesn't sleep in one of those. In fact, he recalled sleeping under the tree last night! He looked at his reflection in the water bowl and gasped. "GAH!!! I'm really Chase! Is this another dream!?" Sonic asked touching his body with his... or Chase's paws, but he could for sure tell this was real.

"Oh no... why is THIS happening? Isn't it bad enough I have to get used to being a dog? Now, this!?" Sonic asked, almost crying.

"Gahaha!!! Oh, this is a better, yet sadder reaction than I expected!" A voice exclaimed. Sonic turned to look at the source of the sound, his new pointed ears following the source easier than his floppy ones. Sonic soon saw the pup from last night, sitting beside a tree.

"You?" Sonic asked as Dissiath padded over to him.

"Sonic is it? Or should I say... Chase." Dissiath said, looking Sonic over.

"D-Did you do this? How?" Sonic asked.

"I went into the spiritual realm of dreams and swapped your spirits and memories around. You're really still Chase, just your memories and soul say otherwise. Look in the water. "Dissiath said, being more helpful to Sonic than he was to Chase last night.

Sonic looked back in the water bowl and saw that while he was indeed in Chase's body, his blue and green hazel eyes were visible. "The eyes are the gateway to the soul," Dissiath explained. "They show who a person... or dog really is by one glance. So you see, you're still you. Just physically someone else for now." Dissiath said.

"O-Okay... how long... will it last?" Sonic asked as Dissiath smiled.

"Just until tonight. You'll start to feel a little odd about an hour before the swap and your spirits will be in limbo during that phase. Don't worry, I'll make sure you go back to your body, but that last hour may be a little odd for you." Dissiath replied.

"Gee that's comforting... " Sonic groaned.

"You'll be fine," Dissiath said as Skye walked up.

"Morning Chase. Who's the new pup?" Skye asked.

Sonic looked at Dissiath with gritted teeth ."Uh... this is uh... " Sonic started, holding his paw at Dissiath.

"Dissiath." The pup replied, looking down at Skye. "A pleasure."

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