Ch. 10 Pups and the First Trick or Treat

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Robby yawned as the crack of dawn entered his eyes from the Lookout glass window. It was a pretty glow, something Robby has gone to appreciate and love being in a puppy body. The sun was warm and being able to actually see it was a wonderful feeling on its own. It then dawned on him on what day today was and felt his body jolt with excitement!

*Gasp* "It's Trick or Treat day!" Robby howled!

"AGH!!!" Sonic yelped falling off of his beanbag and rolling to the elevator. Robby laughed, once Sonic finally stopped. The Jack-Russell sat up, holding his head as his eyes spun. "That... was a... wake-up call." Sonic sighed shaking his head.

"Hehe, sorry Sonic! I'm just so excited! This will be my first Halloween! I never was able to Trick or Treat, or eat candy! I can't wait!" Robby howled, wagging his tail. Sonic smiled at the puppy and rose up to his paws.

"Best parts of trick or treating are eating the candy and seeing all the costumes and of every kid." Sonic sighed. "I miss being one of those kids." Sonic sighed.

"Well, you are now." Robby pointed out.

"Oh, right I guess I am. I hadn't thought about that." Sonic admitted, forgetting that not only was he turned into a pup, but he regressed in age too. "I guess I need to find a costume."

"Oh, I need to find one too!" Robby exclaimed running outside, yapping like crazy. Sonic smiled watching him go.

"The world must be so vast and wonderous in his mind," Sonic said, looking up at the ceiling. "I wonder what my family is doing for Halloween? Probably nothing as usual, but... I do wonder." Sonic sighed, walking outside. "Focus... today I'm finding a costume and going trick or treating again."


After a few minutes, Robby had woken everyone else up, asking how he could find a costume for tonight. The pups were reminded of what holiday it was and began to prep for the night ahead.

Dissiath was the last to awaken, having just returned to the Lookout two days ago. He was now at full strength. He was well enough just in time to see Zeke live with the Navy ship after its repairs. The adult lab was very grateful to the pup, which made Dissiath actually pretty happy about being able to help a father reunite with his son. However, things hadn't been going too well upon arrival.

Rocky apparently got ahold of DNA samples that showed he was related to Rocky. This upset Dissiath and made him not want to answer any further questions from Rocky, which was proving difficult since Rocky was starting to get insistent.

"Hey, Dissiath, what are you gonna dress as for Halloween tonight?" Rocky asked as Dissiath shrugged with a yawn.

"I'm probably not gonna do Halloween," Dissiath admitted. "Never did it before and don't plan on it."

Rocky rushed in front of him, shaking his head. "NO WAY! You have to come! It wouldn't be the same without everyone else there!" Rocky begged, giving Dissiath puppy-dog eyes.

"Ugh... man.. .what would it take for you to just leave me be? I don't want to do it." Dissiath reasoned.

"Um.. .tell me about my past?" Rocky asked as Dissiath sighed, walking away.

"Fine, where do we keep the costumes?" Dissiath asked as Rocky pouted.

"Y-You promised." Rocky sighed.

"Well, where are they?" Dissiath asked as Rocky bounded after the wolfdog.

"Ryder went to get the costume chest from the basement after Robby woke us all up," Rocky explained. "He should be here with it soon."

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