Ch. 13 Pups Strike Back

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Sonic, Mighty, and Dissiath all entered the Air Patroller. Sonic and Mighty had their gear on, with Dissiath's being left behind due to it not being useful for this. They got into their seats as seatbelts buckled them in.

*Static* "Okay everyone, I'm gonna activate super speed once the ship takes off. It's hard to control remotely that way, so I'm probably gonna crash it right into the building." Robby says over the trio's puptags.

"Crash!?" Sonic gasped.

"It would throw off Duke." Dissiath realized.

"Yeah, us too," Mighty replied.

"Well... as long as you make sure you don't hit the floors Chase is at," Sonic said to Robby through his puptag.

*Static* "I'll aim no higher than the eighth floor." Robby assured. "Once inside, I'll begin messing with their systems to disable those traps," Robby said as the engines of the Air Patroller began to whirl.

"Alright... " Sonic looked around at his two companions and sighed. "Lord Jesus, please guide our paws and help us succeed in not only saving our friends but the world as well. I am a little scared Lord, but... I know you'll be there for us, so please, let our mission succeed. In Jesus' name, I pray, I love you, Lord... amen." Sonic said as the Air Patroller took flight and dashed away at lightning speed, creating a sonic boom!

Robby watched them go and sighed, before messing with the computer in the briefing room. "Come on Robby, use what's left of your old digital mind for good... "


Chase was crawling through the vents of Duke's building as quietly as he could. He soon saw the vent go up and he began to shimmy up it. He then began to crawl forward once getting to an opening. As he crawled, he noticed a light coming up. He crawled up to an opening in the ventilation and saw the lab Robby mentioned. He perked his ears and could hear no one inside other than animals, but just to make sure, he tried to whisper to the others.

"Psst!" Chase whispered. "Skye, Marshall, guys?"

*Gasp* "Chase!" Skye whispered.

"Thank goodness!" Marshall whispered.

"Is anyone in there aside from you all?" Chase asked in a hushed tone.

"No, just us and all the other captured animals, including a platypus with a fedora. That weird pup came through looking for you earlier though, but that was it. You'll need to work fast to free us, cause he may come back." Skye whispered.

Chase kicked the vent opened and landed on the floor. He looked and noticed that the door to exit the lab was locked. "Everyone will have to leave through the vents." Chase realized as he began to fiddle with the locks on Skye's cage. Tiny perked up and grew wide-eyed.

"Chase!" Tiny exclaimed. "

"Shush." Chase hushed the Doberman as he got Skye's cage unlocked. "Let's get to work," Chase said as the two began to run around undoing all the locks.

"Where is Zuma?" Chase asked. "I thought he said he was trapped."

"Must be in a trap down below." Skye realized as she shook Ryder awake.


Failure padded around the building, looking high and low for Chase. "This pup's stealth ability is unlike any I've encountered so far. Mildly impressive." Failure stated as he got back down to the second floor. He looked around in curiosity when...

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