SR 10. Taehyung

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Jazz is playing when I bring the second to last set of boxes into Wooshik's new apartment. Last boxes of things he brought from Daegu.

"You sure as fuck have a lot of things," I say, panting as I lean on the stack of four boxes.

I laugh when he hands me the Stegosaurus mug filled with water.

"Thank you for helping."

"Well, you're my boyfriend, aren't you? It's my duty to help."

Before I can drink from my Stegosaurus, he holds my chin up with a finger and kisses me. I look behind as he walks out of the apartment, take a quick sip of water and run behind him, to grab the last boxes.

I catch him in the elevator. In which we're alone, so we kiss more.

I'm loving helping him move in, because it feels like we're moving in together. Even if we're not, it feels like that, and I enjoy that a lot.

Wooshik unlocks the car when we're outside. He opens the door and I'm about to dive inside to grab one of the boxes, when I lock eyes with someone on the other side of the street.

"Oh, fuck me. Seriously?"

"What?" he asks, putting his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"For some fucking reason, my father is staring at me right now." And for another fucking reason, I'm glaring right back. I don't know why he's not breaking it. I don't know why he's not just ignoring me. And why am I not ignoring him?

"Oh." It sounds malicious, and then Wooshik follows my gaze. Now he also stares at my father. Except that while I'm wondering what I want out of this weird interaction, Wooshik is already making decisions.

He shows my father a middle finger.

And then he grabs my shirt and pulls me in, freezing a few inches away from my face.


"Yes?" I ask, breathless.

"Are you happy? Right now? In general?"


"Then show him."

I smile before I know I'm smiling. And then I kiss him, still smiling. And I'm no longer looking at my father. I don't fucking care about him.

We laugh, taking the last boxes out of the car, and walk back in. And I don't think twice about my father.

I can't. Not when the words have been simmering somewhere in my stomach for a while, and now they are up in my throat, and they want a way out. The words, pushed out by my growing and overflowing feelings. I know it's not necessary to say it. It'd be enough to show it, and I think I've been showing it well. But the words are exactly what I need.

I put the two boxes on the floor and let out a breath. Wooshik looks at the apartment, and I look at him. There are two steps of space between us, and I don't know if I want to stay where I am or close the gap.

He turns to look at me, and I can't hold it in anymore.

"I love you." "Move in with me."


My eyes are wide. His eyes are wider.

"What did you say?" I ask, closing the gap between us.

"I said... I said move in with me. If you want to. I mean, it's fine if you don't want to. It's just an idea. I love the idea, and I've been thinking about it for a while, and I know it may seem a bit fast, but honestly, I don't care. I think it's just right and I hate the idea of living here alone. But it's fine if you need time, or anything, or if you don't want to, I-"

God, I'm in love with him.

I cup his cheeks and kiss him. He pulls me against him, kissing back.

"Yes, I want it," I say, leaning my forehead against his. "I really do."

"I really want it, too. You have no idea. I was just... so worried you'd think it's all too fast."

"It's perfect," I say, slipping my arms around him, and put my head on his shoulder. "Everything is perfect."

He hugs me tighter.



"What was it that you said?"

"Uhm, I-"

"I heard it. I just want you to say it again."

It was easier on a whim. Or maybe I'm just making it unnecessarily difficult.

"I'm in love with you. I love you."

It feels so peaceful to say it. I made such a fuss about it, and I don't think anything I've ever said was so right. The right moment, the right person, the right words.

And the feeling of my life being right, of everything being in place, is something I've needed for a long time.

He lets out a sigh, leans back and smiles. "That's funny. Me too. I love you."

"Come on, now." I lock our fingers and lead the way to the bedroom. "I don't wanna unpack anything now."

"What do you wanna do, then?"

We stop in front of the bed. I show him to get on first, and when he does, I get all comfortable snuggling to his side. "This is what I want to do."

"That's a good idea." He wraps his arms around me and throws a leg over mine, holding me as close as it's physically possible. "This is our bedroom now, you know?"

"I'm still a bit scared. It's all new to me. But I really want it."

"It's okay to be scared. As long as it doesn't hold you back."

I close my eyes, taking it all in. My boyfriend, my bedroom, my new apartment. Ours. But partly mine.

While for a long time I've been bordering on yup, that's my life now and there is no way this is my life, it feels fully real in this moment.

He tangles his fingers in my hair. "I knew you'd be someone important in my life when I heard your name. Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung and Choi Wooshik. It sounds just right, doesn't it?"

"It really does..."

Kim Taehyung and Choi Wooshik. I have a feeling this is a beginning of something I'll always consider a little bit unreal.

For all I know, this might be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Partners in Speed - ver.2 (also Street Racers #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora