38. Taehyung

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"Bear in mind I'm disappointed it's you, and not Yeeun." Jimin sighs. "I'll need to get used to you. And make sure you're as good as I hope you are."

Even if I had something to say to him, I wouldn't be able to say a word.

Now that I know Yeeun is not about to die, I'm not quite sure what I subjected myself to. And I genuinely hope Yoongi is coming up with some plan to get me out of here.

He takes his phone out and makes a call. We're about to leave the closed bridge on the other side, when he tells me to stop. With his phone at his ear, he gets out of the car.

I'm thinking fast. I can't count on Yoongi without any back up. But just in case he's actually planning to save my ass, I take my phone out of my pocket – hardly moving – and dial his number. I press the call button, holding it between myself and the door, bring the volume down and, just as Yoongi picks up, I put it in the door pocket.

Jimin comes back half a minute later, and I hope Yoongi doesn't hang up.

"Drive," he says. "This is what we're gonna do. I had different plans today, but you guys messed it up a bit. It's fine. We're still doing it. So drive. We'll see how well you can do that outside of the track you know."

I drive onto the empty street. Soon the cars start appearing around.

"Keep going straight," he says. "We have to do a round. Mind if I play some music?"

"Not at all."

I can feel his eyes on me, but driving always cooled me down. Even if I'm running on adrenaline.

Jimin plays some rock band I don't know and gives me directions. We're driving through the main streets of the city, and I wonder how confident in himself he is to be robbing someone in the middle of the day.

"Turn right," he says. "We'll be there soon. You're going to wait in the car for me. When I'm back, you drive as fast as you can. We'll definitely have a tail. If you're not here when I'm back, I'm going to find and kill you, so don't try anything funny."

"I said I'll do it, so I'm doing it. I'm not planning-"

Before I can finish, he unlocks a gun.

"I don't believe in trust, alright?" he says. "I don't trust anyone, and definitely not someone who's been against me five minutes ago."

When I arrive behind an all-purpose building, four cars are there already, eight of his people waiting. Jimin leaves without a word, entering with six of them. Two stay around, watching me through the windshield.

I act like I'm getting bored, and carefully take my phone out of the pocket. Pretending I'm switching the songs, I check to see Yoongi's still on a call. I bring the volume of my phone up, put it on a speaker, and put my phone on my thigh.

I glance around, to make sure Jimin is not coming. I look through the windshield. They are talking, probably only here to make sure I'm not running away.


"Taehyung! Fuck, Taehyung. I'm getting your location, don't hang up."

"Eight of his people. Six inside," I say. I stay quiet and look at the radio again when one of them looks at me. "I have to move when he's back," I add quickly.

I can hear him talking with Yeeun. They are driving.

"They are going to go to the garage hideout," Yeeun says. "It's close. Jimin needs to hide for a while, for everything to cool down."

"We need to get him before they get there," says Jungkook, but sounding far away. Probably on the phone, in another car.

I've made such a mess a few days ago, and they are all risking their lives to save mine. Fuck.

Partners in Speed - ver.2 (also Street Racers #2)Where stories live. Discover now