SR 1. Taehyung

77 4 0

the middle of June

In my twenty five years of life, I believe this is the first time I am in a coffee shop. I wouldn't say it's exactly my favorite atmosphere, but Jungkook said they have even better coffee than gas stations. I needed to check. So we're here. Me, Yeeun and Jungkook. And he was right. This is the best coffee I've had in my life. It almost successfully takes everyone's attention away from me and my love life.

My love life. It still sounds to me like I'm talking about someone else. Me and romance just never really went hand in hand. Or at least I thought so. I'm still not sure if there is an ounce of romance in me. But there is an ounce of romance in my life, and both Jungkook and Yeeun are truly beyond excited about it.

I should have expected it. That's what having friends is like. I secretly always wanted it. Even if I roll my eyes, I've always wanted friends who'd bother me about things like this and who'd be interested in me. In me, my life, what I think, what I have to say. I've always been aware that I'm just another person to everyone I pass by. I was fine with it, for the most part. Except for when I wanted to be someone special to someone.

"We're going out," I say when they ask. "As in, you know... on dates."

"Every day?" Yeeun asks.


Our first official date was so... so perfect. We haven't done anything crazy. It was a road trip and a gas station coffee kind of date, and just knowing it was a date made it so much better than any other time we've done this. The first date moments that we've already done before, like holding hands or kissing, were so intense I squealed into my pillow as soon as I came back home.

It's been a month. And almost every day since, I've seen him. We either go out, or stay in my place, or spend time in my garage. It doesn't really matter what we do and where we are. Everything is so much better when he's around.

"Should we interrogate him?" Jungkook asks, and I nearly choke on my coffee.

"Interrogate?" Yeeun asks.

"To see if he's trustworthy. Like, one hundred percent."

"I can have Yoongi run a background check."

"Guys." I sigh. I can't let them entertain this madness. "I don't think this will be necessary."

"We didn't check Park Jimin and you saw yourself what happened," says Jungkook and takes a sip.

"Wooshik isn't a criminal," I say.

"He told me he stole cars before," Yeeun says.

"I know he did," I say. "But he's not a dangerous criminal."

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes. Please, do not interrogate him. And if you do run a background check, I don't wanna know what you find in there."

They share a telling glance. Jungkook painlessly kicks my shin under the table. "Just joking. I, personally, think he's alright."

"Yeah, me too." Yeeun smiles. "He knows how to cut and bleach hair. I love him already."

I already know this is not all Yeeun likes him for. They told me and Jungkook about the two times they were playing criminals together. I was and wasn't surprised. Jungkook wasn't surprised at all.

I wouldn't care about a background check or whatever, but I badly don't want to find out I'm wrong about it. It's too good, and sometimes I already question whether it's actually happening.

"I just don't want it to fall apart, okay? I don't want to find out I've been wrong all along. And I don't believe I am. So... yeah."

"It's fine," Jungkook says. "He's not gonna turn out to be a criminal. I promise."

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