26. Yeeun

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Today, Jimin and I are in yet another of his houses. I think so. Or whatever he uses this house for. There are more people here. He calls them 'housemates' and 'brothers', but I'm convinced they work for him.

The place is just as big, with many people around, but we're in a gaming room. Dimly lit, with gaming sets, foosball table and all sorts of fun stuff. I sit at the edge of the foosball table, drinking an energy drink. Park Jimin is driving an electric toy car around the self-built (apparently) track.

I can't lie, this place is cooler than I expected. Jungkook would like it. Taehyung and Wooshik too, most likely.

It's just that Jimin is being weird. He's left the room a few times, and I overheard him on the phone with someone. One time with someone whose name I do know quite well. Once when he left, I went around the room, looking for something useful, but it doesn't seem like he's using the gaming room for anything other than having fun.

"So, how long have you and Jungkook been together?" Jimin asks. We've been talking about racing up until now. I don't know where the sudden switch is coming from, but I need to stay twice as careful.

"Three months or so," I say.

"How's that been?"

"Alright. We were friends before so it's easier." I weigh my every word, so that I don't say too much. Nothing that he could use against us.

Jimin seems to be thinking about something. "You don't seem to be... living to your full potential around him."

"What do you mean?" I huff a laugh.

"You're capable of a lot, I suppose, but it looks like he dims your light."

"I haven't noticed that, to be honest."

"I think it's such a shame." He sighs. "A woman like you should have enough space in a relationship to grow and shine."

Talk all you want, I think to myself, while pretending I'm considering his words. What he wants is to destabilize us. And I'm not falling for that.

"Anyways," and he changes the topic again. He loves doing that. Almost like too much attention on one thing will make me too curious. Jokes on him, I memorize every word he says.

Before going home, I meet Yoongi at his garage hideout. Something that never changes about those hideouts – no matter where he moves them – is the horrible smell. Those places are old and forgotten, and I bet he doesn't clean them up when he starts using them.

So I bring a box of strong cleaning chemicals and an air refresher with me.

"Make room in your schedule for cleaning this place," I say, dropping the box onto the table.

Yoongi sighs, looking into the computer screen. "What would I do without you, Yeeun?"

"Ha. Ha." I stand behind him, glancing into the 'secured' file he's reading. He lets me see it, even moves to the side so that I can easily read along. "Are you making any progress?" I ask.

"Yes, pretty impressive to be honest," he says, twisting on the swivel chair. "Jimin's reputation is falling apart. People are turning away from him fast."

I lean against the table. I came here with an idea, though I'm not sure how he'll react to it. I feel like he'd have proposed this earlier if it was possible.

"What about... an assassination?"

"I'm managing it," he says. "The documents you took pictures of back then had a list of people involved in this matter. I-"

"No, I mean... how about an assassination?"

Yoongi tilts his head. "Me on him?"

"Us. On him. Yes."

He doesn't look like it's impossible. But then he says, "How about putting him in jail instead?"

"Why are you showing mercy?"

Yoongi chuckles. "I'm not. I have a lot to lose, and Jimin knows it. Friends, family, my girlfriend. Jimin has nothing to lose. He'd rather die than be exposed. He thrives on people not knowing who he really is."

"Okay," I say. That's good enough for me. "Then let's do this."

"But I have to be really careful," he says. "I'm not willing to get locked up with him."

"You got out when they locked you with Jungkook."

"I got out before they could dig deeper into my shit. They would make sure I stayed in if they knew how much I steal yearly."

"Why do you do that?" I ask. I've never asked him that before.

"I'm addicted, in a way. I like money," he says, looking as fine with it as possible. "But I also like the thrill of it. I also don't steal from innocent people. I steal from people who don't have an entirely clear conscience."

"The jeweler?"

"He should be charged for harassment."

"Should be?"

"You know I've got a mole in the police. Someone's protecting this guy. So I was to steal from him."

"What about the gas station later?"

"The owner stole something from me."

"Why didn't it work with the jeweler?"

"The team we worked with wasn't as good as they should be. Remember Seojoon?"


Yoongi scoffs. "It turned out he's a dumbass who told his friends about our jobs. His friends talked shit around and the cops found out. That's when I planted a mole."

"So you didn't know the cops would be there?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "So leaving me was a decision on a whim?"

"I knew I needed you out of it," he says. "I used an opportunity."


"Trust me now?" he asks, but with a playful smile.

"Almost." I joke. Kind of. I trust him because I want to, but there is always this voice at the back of my head reminding me that, after all, I don't have proof. "Okay. I'm leaving."

When I'm almost at the door, he says, "I can't blame you if you don't, but I really hope one day you will again."

I could easily let go of whatever we've had before and not bother anymore. It's funny how sometimes you can't give up on certain people.

I glance back. "I do, too."

Partners in Speed - ver.2 (also Street Racers #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant