15. Jungkook

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We're once against sitting around this table, like we're now a professional criminal group. Crime squad? Whatever. Yoongi is our leader whatever we call ourselves. Yeeun might be willing to trust him, but I'm not. He might as well be lying about everything. If he's ever been associated with Park Jimin, the most wanted criminal in the country, he might have been planning this shit for a long time.

The reason I'm here is because Yeeun is willing to believe, and Taehyung definitely trusts him. I would raise a riot, but I'd be the only one, so I quit the idea.

And if Yoongi didn't lie, Park Jimin is a piece of shit for doing this.

So we're doing it.

"The goal is to stop Park Jimin from putting his hands on Yeeun, before he chooses her for the so-called race," Yoongi says. "I assumed Jungkook would help, because... obvious reasons. But if you don't wanna get into this mess, me and Yeeun will manage-"

"No need to finish the sentence. Of course I'll help," I say.

Yoongi nods once. "And Taehyung... Jimin knows you're my brother. He will try to get to me through you. He's already tried, but he doesn't have good enough reasons. When I sabotage him this time, he won't give up that easily. I thought we could use this to his disadvantage, but... if you don't wanna get tangled in this, you can go. I'll make sure he doesn't get to you and-"

Taehyung interrupts him. "I'll stay and help."

Honestly... I didn't think he'd care that much. We're doing better, definitely, but I'm not sure if things are as good as for him to risk his life for us.

I don't ask why for now. I'll figure it out some other time.

"You sure? One hundred percent?" Yoongi asks.

"Yeah. Definitely."


Yoongi brings a bunch of papers to the table. Something that looks a lot like our plan. It looks better than any of my essays I've ever written in school. He's clearly passionate about this.

Yeeun reads through it and asks, "Why can't you just..." Instead of finishing, she makes finger guns at Yoongi.

It seems to me Yoongi has thought about it before. "Because when Jimin quit working with me, he turned too many people against me. If I," he finger-guns too, "him, I'll be (more finger guns) within the next thirty minutes."

Yeeun clicks her tongue. "That's too bad. It would have been so easy."

I can't help but notice she knows what she's doing. She feels comfortable in this setting.

Yoongi continues, "I could continuously keep him away from Yeeun, but it would honestly be bothersome. Besides, I can't control all of his allies, business partners and co-workers. There are too many of them. One of them could always find a moment when we're distracted and strike."

"What's the plan, then?" I ask.

"There are a few phases. First of all, Taehyung must peak his interest in both racing and crime."

"What the hell does that mean?" Taehyung asks.

"You're gonna have to go crazy in those races of yours. Do something illegal to win and shit. Also, you will carry out a few robberies with me. Before Jimin does them. I kept copies of a few plans he stole and is planning to go through. Taehyung and I will do them first, but Taehyung will get the credit. As if I'm only behind the scenes."

"Alone?" I ask. That's a high risk.

"You can help if you want. But you get no credit. That would put his attention back on Yeeun, and we want him to think Taehyung is a better choice, not only because of the skill, but because he can get to me through him."

Partners in Speed - ver.2 (also Street Racers #2)Where stories live. Discover now