SR 7. Taehyung

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My business officially has a co-owner from today.

"Pleasure to do business with you, Kim Taehyung," says Jungkook, shaking my head. "Hope we're gonna get along."

"Behave, Mr Jeon, and we shall."

He kicks my ankle as we leave the tax office, and I kick his, and we're somehow laughing all the way outside.



I always thought I prefer to spend time alone. False. I just didn't have anyone to spend time with. Now that I do, I've realized I love being with people whose company I enjoy. In one way or another.

We're walking down the street to get the car when Jungkook's phone rings.

"It's Yeeun," he says, and picks up. They seem to be talking about some organizational matters, what time he'll be back and such, and I don't pay much attention, until he's about to hang up and says, "Yeah, we will. I love you."

I love you. Recently I realized I've never said those words out loud.

"How do you do that?" I ask, and I can't help acknowledging how easy it's becoming to me to just... talk to him. Whatever's on my mind.

"Do what?"

"Say the word."

Jungkook chuckles. "What word?"

I try but I can't. So instead I say, "The L-word. How do you say it?"

"Love? I love you?" He shrugs. "I think I just do."

"Why can't I do it, then?"

I'm not even awkward saying this. Kim Taehyung, you're evolving.

"You can't?" Jungkook asks, a bit surprised, but I can't blame him. It seems like such a silly issue. Like it shouldn't be an issue at all. It's just some words, and I can think them. They just don't come out of my mouth.

"I have this... physical block. Even if I want to say it," I say.

Jungkook, like the great therapist friend that he is, asks, "Only romantically or in general?"

I slip my hands into the pockets of my jeans. "In general."

There are no people around, no cars in the narrow road we're walking on. And it's so nice, to feel so safe and secure in the world, to talk about things like this. Or to just talk. I'm really enjoying the simplest things friends usually do.

"You must have some traumatic experiences," he says. "If you do love, but can't say it. Or it scares you for some reason. It's alright. You'll get there."

"How?" I ask.

"I know it sounds weird, but have you ever said it to yourself?"

"No? Have you?"

"Honestly, I haven't. But maybe we should," he says.

Self love, huh? I've got a long way to go.

"You know." Jungkook slows down, getting lost in thought. "It doesn't have to be I love you. You can say it in many ways."

"Like what?"

"Be careful. I'm happy to see you. How did you sleep? How was your day? You're my favorite person. It all depends on what love is to you. Or who you're talking to."

"How do you know that it's love? Romantically?"

He thinks even harder, and I'm glad I got a friend who likes those deep conversations. With a huff, he says, "Man, it depends."

Partners in Speed - ver.2 (also Street Racers #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن