12. Jungkook

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Yeeun took my car, and she's driving me to work this morning. I'm not sure how I'm going to go through the whole work day. I barely slept. I'm feeling sick. Mentally unwell. I don't really want anyone looking at me until I'm done moping.

Then I will have to... I need to talk to Taehyung and make sure he knows I fucked up and didn't mean it. Again. Will I always keep on fucking and not meaning it?


I hum, letting her know I am listening.

"Don't look back. Someone's following us."

"What?" I glance at her. Yeah, because a tail is exactly what we need now.

"Check in the side mirror," she says. I do, subtly, and there's a black BMW behind us. "He's keeping the same distance and going everywhere I do. If you haven't realized, I've been driving aimlessly for the past ten minutes."

Now that she says it I can tell we're nowhere near the store. We're in a whole different part of the city.

"We need to lose them," I say. Whoever the hell decided to have fun first thing in the morning.

Yeeun looks left and right. "Hold on tight."

"What are you-"

I grab the door handle when she makes a sudden turn right.

"God, be careful!"

"You want me to slow down now?!"

I look through the mirror. They follow us. "No. Absolutely not."

She speeds down the street, and now that they clearly know we know, I turn around, watching them. At least they are not shooting, like in some action-packed movie.

I look through the windshield. Yeeun overtakes a car. She drives even faster, honking when she makes another sudden turn into a narrow street, full of people.

"Jesus Christ," I mumble. We fly through the street, knocking down only one paper box. More honking, this time from other cars, when Yeeun drifts and turns right, barely making it in between a moving car and a parked car. Last second, she overtakes a guy on a motorcycle driving our way.

I glance back – they are turning right now.

I look at Yeeun. She looks like she does it on a daily basis. "How the fuck are you so calm?"

"Shh, I'm thinking," she says. My eyes widen.

I huff. "Okay?"

Another sudden turn, this time left. We're in a neighborhood with a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour and barely any space to squeeze between houses on the left and right.

I have no choice but to trust Yeeun. She knows the city better than me, she knows every single road and turn. And she can be a bit crazy if necessary, which I guess is exactly what we need here and now.

With a lot more turns, and the same car still behind us, we jump onto the main road. Few cars, three lanes. I breathe out in relief. At least here there are no chances we'll run someone over.

Yeeun speeds until we're going 170. She overtakes everyone, one by one, slipping through the three lanes.

One car doesn't want to let us through.

Yeeun chuckles. "Dickhead," she says, driving onto the middle lane of the other side of the road to overtake him. She drives upstream, avoiding three head-on collisions, before we're back on the proper side of the road.

"You're a psycho," I say, realizing I've been gripping the door handle all this time. I don't think I'd do it the way she is doing it.

Her smile widens. It falls just as fast. "Ah, fuck."

Partners in Speed - ver.2 (also Street Racers #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora