eighteen years ago

102 7 0

Empty chairs in the kitchen have always been a familiar sight to Jungkook. When he was two, and now that he's seven. They don't bother him, don't raise any questions. The chairs are always empty, and no one ever sits on them. Two, usually. A chair for Jungkook is on the other side of the table.

He always notices them, and then moves onto whatever he is supposed to be doing. Eat, pretend to do homework, draw, play mobile games.

But now Jungkook goes to school, and empty chairs stay on his mind for longer than he's used to, because in lines of chairs taken by older people, two are always empty. They don't make Jungkook sad or happy, but they make him wonder.

It's Father's Day, and Jungkook's teacher had them prepare a bunch of songs and poems seven-year-olds would memorize. He didn't think anything of it when Miss Song told them a week ago to draw a gift for their dads. Jungkook drew what he always drew – his dream car, white, shiny and fast. He didn't think anything of it when Aunt Soomin styled his hair this morning, like she never did before. She always hands him a comb and tells him to comb his hair. He didn't think anything of it when he learned the song him and his colleagues are going to sing. He doesn't think much about school, anyways.

He sings it automatically. Everything he has to do, but doesn't want to do, he does like that – automatically. Usually his mind is busy thinking of what him and his best friend are going to do in the afternoon.

But he starts thinking about the people in front of him as he stands among his classmates. His best friend is on the other side of the group, and he's got too much time to watch the two empty chairs in the middle of the crowd. The kids are singing, and he scans the crowd. Someone's mom, someone's dad, someone's mom, someone's dad, another mom, another dad, mom, dad, mom, dad.

For the first time Jungkook realizes his mom and dad are not here. He doesn't remember ever seeing them before. He remembers Aunt Soomin getting him ready for school, Aunt Bae always giving him food. He remembers Uncle Jaehwa, who always takes him on car rides and lets him and Yeeun play in his store with car parts. He remembers Grandma and Grandpa.

He knows that he gets everything he asks for, he knows he likes to spend time with Yeeun the most, he knows his house is big and clean, and that he doesn't walk around it – he drives the mini electric car uncle Jaehwa got him.

Jungkook knows about a box with postcards signed 'mom and dad'. There is a picture signed the same way. But no matter how much he wrecks his brain, he doesn't remember mom and dad being anywhere.

The performance finishes, and the teacher hands them out the drawings they did. Everyone runs up to their parents, handing out the gifts. Hugs, kisses, smiles and ruffling hair. Jungkook takes his piece of paper in two hands, and for the first time he realizes how different it is. His colleagues drew themselves with their parents. In their houses and gardens. At the zoo or at the beach.

"Look at that!" Jungkook hears a man's voice, and jerks his head up. A man is smiling at him, Kim Taehyung at his side. They haven't talked, yet. Taehyung is always on the side, alone more often than not. Jungkook sometimes wants to talk to him, especially when he sees Taehyung playing with Hot Wheels sets, but he's used to Yeeun and Yeeun only. It's hard to break the familiar.

"What's your name?" the man asks him.

"Jeon Jungkook."

"Look at that beautiful drawing!" the man beams. He must be Taehyung's dad. "Aren't you talented, Jungkookie?"

Jungkook bows, confused with the sudden praise. A bit bored, too. He's got more important things to talk about with his best friend.

"Why aren't you talented like him?" Jungkook hears the man say, but he doesn't turn around anymore, on his way to the only familiar faces in the crowd.

Partners in Speed - ver.2 (also Street Racers #2)Where stories live. Discover now