My unplanned bridesmaids look like they were planned precisely. 

Katie wears a pink one, Breana wears my yellow one, Kelly wears a blue one, my Mum wears a green one and Penny wears a purple one. All of them accompany the dress with matching heels and as a last minute thankyou gift from me to them, each of them wear a gold necklace with a single pearl as the charm. 

Fortunately enough, I was able to fly my Mum out to Italy. It's the one and only time I've ever accepted money off of Alex and of course, I'm going to pay him back, but it was one of the best feelings ever to be able to pay my Mum back, just a tiny bit, for everything she's ever done for me. 

''Shall we pop a bottle of champagne open?'' My Mum comes strolling in with her hair rolled into pin curls. She holds the champagne with full caution, as though it's too precious to even risk having to fall, before hurrying over to the table of my room.

As for the room, it's fucking beautiful. When Breana mentioned a hotel, I'd imagined just the average room. 

It is absolutely not 'average'. It's beautiful, and so is the location. The room is an old, off-white colour and although the room is old-fashioned, it's aesthetically pleasing. My camera came straight out as soon as we arrived, I couldn't resist taking photos of it. 

As for the location, we're on grassy land by an old, empty marina, right next to grassy mountains. I don't know how we've bagged something so beautiful, so quickly, and I don't know how other people haven't married here but either way, I cannot believe I'm getting married here.

It's something straight off of the wedding Pinterest folder that I've had since my first date with Alex. 

''Oh yes!'' Kelly chants once she's given up with getting Hendrix back to sleep, instead choosing to just carry him. 

The girls all follow a series of chants as they practically line up to get drinks off my Mum and in the mean-time, I continue the work that Katie was doing on my hair. We're going for pearly hair-clips since my veil is pearly, however, we're struggling to figure out how to actually put the pearls into my hair. At the moment, our current next step is to try and use eyelash glue, though I don't think it'll work very well. 

''I'm gonna' get bladdered tonight.'' Kelly tells us once she's grabbing a glass of champagne from my Mum. ''Nick's on baby duties, thank the lord.'' She smirks and as she walks, she pulls an excited dance and I laugh at her very mother-like dance. 

''Do you want some, love?'' My Mum holds a glass up in my direction and I take my eyes from the gold, fancy-framed mirror in front of me. 

''God no.'' I shake my head with dread. ''I'm so nervous, I think I'd throw it up.'' I decline with a lie. 

''You're not pregnant, are you?'' Breana nudges her elbow into my arm on her way back to where she was sat before and I smack her lightly in retaliation. 

''Absolutely not.'' I shake my head, however, my stomach drops at the idea of them possibly seeing straight through my lie. 

As fucking crazy as it sounds for me to say, I took a test this morning. 

On top of all the chaos today, 16/6/16 just so happens to be the day that I found out that I was pregnant. 

I definitely wasn't expecting anything like this, this morning. I almost didn't even take the test because I thought that I was just reading too much into being a few days late on my period. However, with the history of what happened last time, I decided to take one this morning, just to be safe so that I could drink tonight. 

For some reason, a part of me hates to admit that unlike last time, I didn't actually feel complete and utter dread when I had the idea of it maybe being a smart choice to take a quick test. Although I've moved on from what happened last time, a small part of me still feels bad that this is something I think that I'm actually happy about. 

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