Chapter 19

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I cuddle my princess closer to me unfortunately from behind. Her belly is too big to be cuddled from the front.

I find it sad and happy at the same time. Sad since I love having her buried in my chest and being able to kiss her in the morning. But happy because I know our baby is healthy in there.

"You can stop staring now." She says and I just bury my face in her neck.

"I can't, I love you so so much," I say and kiss her neck.

"I love you too- ow!" She yells.

"What happened? Is everything okay? Baby's here?" I ask.

"I think so..." She scrunches her face in pain. I pick her up and carry her to my car where I drive like a crazy person to the hospital.

Once we reached I helped her out and we called for a doctor or anyone. "Here lay her on this." A nurse comes in with a wheelchair. I follow them to the room where they hook her up to stuff as we wait for the doctor.

When he comes I'm holding Gabs hand as she's in pain. "Hello, Mrs and Mrs kilne. I'm Dr. Jole I'm the doctor on call. I'll go and check how open you are, you need to reach 10 centimeters to start pushing." He says. He looks under the apron thing they put on her. "Mrs kilne you're 10 cm we have to get you into a birthing room."

He says and in walks 3 nurses and we all walk to the birthing room. "Alright Mrs kilne, when I tell you to push, you push. When I tell you to stop you stop is that understood? Push your abdominal muscles and your body will do the rest on its own."

"Yes sir," Gabs answers breathlessly.

"Alright Mrs kilne, on my count I want you to push as hard as you can." He says. "One... Two... Three, push!" He says and Gabs does so. The look of pure pain displaying on her beautiful face is torturing me.

I kiss her forehead and encourage her by saying how I'm dying to see our son and how we'll be great parents. Hoping my simple words would help her through it as well as my strong hold on her palm.

"You can do this, my love. You can do it. We're both in this together I might not feel your pain but I'm here for you." I mumble to her as I kiss her forehead. I brush her long beautiful hair to the side and the sweat makes it stick to where I put it. Is she going to hate me and lecture me about how she is natural now and that I should take better care of her hair? For sure. Will I care? No, I'll be with the baby.

"Alright! The head is out just give me one last strong push and you'll be able to rest Mrs. Kline." Dr. Jole says and Gabriella followed his instructions and pushes our beautiful baby out. We hear a high-pitched cry and I sigh in relief.

"You did good my love." I kiss her on the lips and go to cut the umbilical cord. He is taken to be cleaned and then given to me because Gabriella still needs to birth the placenta. I hold my boy close to my body and immediately fall in love with him

His got mocha skin and already a head of dark hair. The nurse needs to take him away from me but I already feel the protectiveness I felt when I first laid eyes on Gabriella set in. I give her my baby anyway and focus on my beautiful wife.

Her beautiful eyes look into my own and I see the pure happiness and adore in her eyes. "You're going to be a wonderful mama..." She mumbles against my hand as she kisses it.

"You're going to be an amazing mommy..." I say back and lean down to kiss her on her full lips.

She is taken to recovery and I go to see my son. He took his time to get here. Being born 4 weeks after his due date. At 3lbs and 26 inches.

"Do you want him with you two in the room or in the nursery?" The nurse asks.

"With us please," I tell him. He nods and I walk over to Gabriella's room. "Hey, wifey..." I say as I walk in.

"Hi, my love." She says with a smile on her beautiful face. "What do you think about... Leonardo?" She asks.

"Too Italian. Let's think Greek." I say and sit next to her and hold her warm hand.

"Zephyr?" She asks I laugh.

"After his grand grandfather?" I ask remembering when my grandpa came to visit.

"Mhm." She says and brushes her fingers through my hair.

"He'll be bullied. I'm not taking that risk. How about Nicholas?"

"Nicholas Ares Kline Rave... That's a strong identity." She says tasting the name on her tongue.

"Mhm... I like it." Just in time, the nurse came in with our baby boy and a page to fill in his identity.


"Nicholas. N - i - c - h - o - l - a - s. Ares. A - r - e - s. Kline with an e and a k. Rave." Gabriella says making me laugh at how she spells it out for him. A habit she picked up from spelling words for me.

He nods and writes it all down. "Second names in other languages?" He asks.

"No," I say stopping Gabriella from translating it all into Greek for him. His life will be hard already with two moms and all. I'm not letting him get bullied by having a whole other set of names. My life will not be repeated end of story.

Gabs glares at me as the nurse walks away. "He won't have another set of names for teachers to get confused with," I said plain and simple.

She sighs but lets it go. We then go back to sleep after a restless night and day.


Anyway, cute. Byeee

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